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Serene Solitude

Looking for a clan server? [Overwatch]

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Alright, got a group guys? Want a base, with some more protection? Want to war with other clans, and form alliances? Check out the server I'm on run by the PTSFP group!


Although I'm not the owner, I love the server. Balanced, and active! 


- NEW! Cannibalism!!!!

- Clan Castles w/ protective bubbles

- Weekly Castle Sieges!

- 400 Vehicles/50 Helis

- Active players/Clans

- Tag-less players for recruiting!

- Respectable Admins

- Server Changes based on community ideas

- Players who don't shoot on sight

- Players willing to help new players!



So, if you're looking to form, join, or bring a clan to a server this is the one!!




Owner; Mike


Or search for PTSFP on DayZ Commander!


Btw, I'm [sS] Solitude on the server!

Edited by Serene Solitude

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Tired of admins killing you and taking your shit? Exhausted of all the cool shit requiring you to pay money?
JOIN PTSFP servers!
We don't want your money!! We can pay for our own server!
We don't have to kill you! We arn't 13 and have a need to overpower something imaginary to feel bigger and to deal with feelings of parental abandonment!
We have everything! Combat AI, HEAVILY modified map with advanced loot spawns!! Trade for the weapons you cant get on other servers cause they are "admin only"
What are you waiting for? Don't get shot in the back of the head by a 12 year old and your money taken by another greedy server host ever again!!

This message paid for by a group of adults building a fun server..
Search PTSFP stop paying to play and play where it pays.

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