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Clan recruiting

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Clan War Machine Recruiting


Hi am Matrixdog I have been playing DayZ for about 1 year. Clan War Machine is a older clan that was around 9 years ago playing BF1942 DC mod, as time went everyone got out of the game and moved on. I have started the clan back up and am looking for some fun player to join me to get this clan back up and going, right now there is only me.


Clan-wm.com DayZ COOP War Zone 24/7 Day| Chernarus | Custom Loadouts | Build103718 | 300+ Vehicle | Custom Bases | More Stuff coming


Address:   Port: 2362   




NO looting from player base or camps.


NO cheating.

NO foul or abusive language.

NO hacking.


NO racial or sexist comments.


All games servers web servers and voice communications will not allow cheating, cussing, team killing, foul or racial language and nick names and don't acting like a kid, Always treat people fairly and act civil and friendly to people, You can't be in any other clans, guilds, squadrons, etc. that plays a game played by the clan.


No Shooting Teammates



To join us you need


You need TeamSpeak 3

Head set with mic

The age of 16 or over



Please send me your info

Edited by MatrixDog

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