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Zyrak (DayZ)

Searchlights and Alarms.

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I think adding searchlights to the game would really add another

good light source to night time aswell it would be the first mountable

turret to DayZ. You would find it on the ground as a normal loot

source and it would have the same concept as the KORN turret in

Arma 2 Where you can dismantle and put it up so it will have two

parts to it. the legs and the main body (or it all whole). Aswell as it

being place in the same slot as KORN Bag would be in.

It Would also follow the same concept as a tent or car save its

location etc... unless it not used in a certain time its vanishes.

Now On the same thought...why not make something like this with

an Alarm speaker on it same conecpt and it would make Alot of

sound so it would attract Zombies to it. As there is already a Alarm

sound file in Arma 2 you could use one of them and use the stand of

a KORN and pop a speaker ontop of it so kind of like a Searchlight

(Hence why i said have the searchlight in two parts)

So imagine this your making your way to the NW Airfield and you

hear the Air raid siren you come over the hill and you hear it coming

from the Control tower and you see another Player ontop of the

tower with searchlight shooting zombies which are attracted by the

sounds and lit up by the search light.

I went into ARMA creator and made a picture for an example...

So the is the point of View of the Guy on the tower...okay so i doudt the alarm would attract that many zombies but still... thought i would make it look intresting...

So what do you guys think?


Also Why not use the Generators which are in the game and are not used yet power these type of devices...

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I like the Idea and would support it, i could imagine the alarm to be a decoy device. Put it on one side of the airfield and turn it on remotely, which creates a sound at beyond the normal level like (11-12 or even 10). This would attract almost the entire airfield of zeds. Also, The Alarm would need health, so its not CONSTANTLY supplying sound. when a zombie would hit it 2-3 times it would break or simply fall back into 2 parts again. and with the new hot fixes the zombies would investigate around that area for awhile, while you go get some loot.

Search lights would need another tier of visual like the alarm making possibly 8-9 or higher visual level for zombies to detect to keep balanced. Zombies may have bad sight but not blind. so there's always a tradeoff.

Also for the generators, i think is a good idea but in most areas not practical. Unless dayz made a new model and coded a build for it. because Ive seen the default generators in editor and i have to say it is quite to big to simply put in your backpack. not only this but rendering the usefulness of these ideas near 0 if you have to lug around a huge generator.


Have the search lights and alarms have some sort of battery source. (not talking AA bats either.) some uncommon-sorta rare loots found around the game. Maybe Car batteries with cables that could fit in your tool section of your gear that would rig to the objects. They would drain like the water and food meters on us (except at a much faster rate). This could be down by via scroll wheel with message of "Recharge" or "Replace bats". using an a generic animation (maybe using the pickup or bandage animation) and done! Although i will say i expect many many bugs for this, for it will require some scripts. Not to mention new items to place into the fray and spawn in different locations.

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Indeed i never knew how big the generators were only that i have heard they drop. and As for health on Alarms that is a good point which i thought about when i was going to sleep sadly a good 12 hours sleep makes you forget things ;)

With the Searchlight i would say it could attract the zombies but i was going of the fact a torchlight does not attract them so why would a massive searchlight? :p it would make it easy for zombies to Spot of players if they stand in it though so if someone has the searchlight off ontop of the tower sees a players turn on the searchlight and points at him the zombies which were around him are now able to see him.

And yeah i heard rocket was also going to add some type of power source to Torchs aswell like AA bats whenever he gets round to it.

Im sure they can both run of them its not practical... but it will do. a car bat would make for a better realistic idea.... but just make the Searchlight and alarm drain the AA batts very quickly if they do run on them.

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