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Looking to Start a New clan

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hey peeps just looking to see what type of numbers i can get to make a new clan as i cant seem to find one that fits me perfectly =D


Clan name:

Deja Vu
Member location:

Aus/Us/Oceanic ( something like that i guess lol doesn't really matter)


only looking for 5-10 at this stage as i would like to keep it small till everyone gets to know each other and to find out who fits in with the group and who doesnt

team speak 3 is needed

Must speak fluent English
( that's about it really im not really bossy when it comes to needs to join just don't be a douche and try to get along with anyone else who joins )

Age: Mature =p ( i don't really care about ages groups long as your not a  squealer and have some level of maturity)

Server: atm i am running a epoch server however once i get a solid 10 members mod changing can happen once put to a vote =) im easy and am happy to play whatever mods my server supports =)


About myself?

Not much to say im a older mature gamer that is still a kid at heart anything to do with zombies and im there

been playing dayz on and off for over a year now

my style of play is whatever comes my way i can play nice or i can be that dirty bandit in a bush waiting to steal your beans.

my exp id say is high ive spent more time playing alone killing groups of 3-5 if forced into combat but over all

i like to be that dark shadow watching ppl sit around a camp fire =P



if anyone is interested feel free to hit me up here or inbox me if you rather

also can contact me via steam.


Steam name : aniso

Team Speak 3 Server:



Edited by aniso

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Hey man, goodluck with the new clan :)


If you're interested, our clan has 2 servers, one of which we want to get clans onto. It's a hardcore server with roaming Ai bandit squads and roaming Helicopters patroling the skies and roads.

Pm me for more information if you're interested :)


Stay alive,


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^^ cheers for the offer my server is currently running with the same system =) bandit ai heli patrols etc bloodbag low/lift etc but yea


going to try form a small squad for now

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hey im looking to join a clan as playing alone just doesn't cut it ..

team work, along with having the laugh with other players sounds much more appealing :D . 


Steam: SniperBambi

age: 21 



i have teamspeak3 but currently getting a new headset as my old one had a spillage incident.  >:(

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