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I don't like acting like a smartass in the comments but...

We won't miss you.

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I'm gonna wait and see how .5 is since it's supposed to fix or change stuff back but I may not be far off.

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Ok this running around with no weapons and stuff is boring. You can't really do much. also tired of being spawned out middle of frigen no where. Im done with this mod.

I just checked all of your "5" other posts' date=' and they are nothing except for you complaining.

[b']Get over yourself, this mod isn't built around you and you alone.

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its not fun because you are in the bottom of the food chain and the people designed around to be bullied. you have no weapon to defend yourself so you are more likely to group up and use each other as zombie bait/bandit bait while the fittest survive.

once you reach up the food chain you will be the one to bully the new guys and trust me its very very very fun.

i hang around the coast and i shoot up people's leg all day. you have no clue how angry people get. from personal insults to death threats personally and to my family. people fucking get so emotional its hilarious

but still the insults take a emotional toll on you after hearing it tens of times during a session. a lot of times i feel like i have to execute the guy to stop his insults

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Yet another rage quitter who will be back as soon as is released, only to rage quit again when Rocket makes another change.

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of course he will rage... he is the prey atm, like seriousely until he finds enough tools and weapon he is the prey for others. its funny how unarmed players try to reason with you about how they are harmless and not to hurt them but you know if they are in my position with a gun they'd execute too....

TC, you need to find a weapon and enough food to go nw airfield asap and start server hoping for high tech weapons, until then you will always be the bullied.

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Um hell people this is not me rage quiting. I'm not angry just bored with dying only to respawn and dying again. Not because I can't play the game. I had no trouble with the game till the new update. I actually enjoyed the game still do to a point.

However with no starting weapons and Zombies with long aggro range it has become almost impossible to get anything.

Also I don't go around bullying other players. I have also not had trouble with other players as well. An no just because I have lot's of fire power doesn't mean I'm going to become a bully myself. There would be no challenge in taking out some poor smuck who just starting out and has no way of fighting back, that just makes you a dick.

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Also I don't go around bullying other players.

You say this now, but wait until you have a M107 strapped to your back and a lightly armed survivor 700m away out in the open.

You may find yourself with an itchy 'bully' finger.

Knee capping coasties that don't have firearms is a bit cheesy though.

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Um hell people this is not me rage quiting. I'm not angry just bored with dying only to respawn and dying again. Not because I can't play the game. I had no trouble with the game till the new update. I actually enjoyed the game still do to a point.

However with no starting weapons and Zombies with long aggro range it has become almost impossible to get anything.

Also I don't go around bullying other players. I have also not had trouble with other players as well. An no just because I have lot's of fire power doesn't mean I'm going to become a bully myself. There would be no challenge in taking out some poor smuck who just starting out and has no way of fighting back' date=' that just makes you a dick.


The zombie AI issue is being addressed in a patch either today or tomorrow. This is why you shouldn't forever swear off an alpha mod just because of a few days of problematic updates.

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Knee capping coasties that don't have firearms is a bit cheesy though.

Only if they don't sing and dance on request / demand.

Maybe just chase them with an axe screaming Jack Nicholson quotes...

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Also I don't go around bullying other players.

You say this now' date=' but wait until you have a M107 strapped to your back and a lightly armed survivor 700m away out in the open.

You may find yourself with an itchy 'bully' finger.

Knee capping coasties that don't have firearms is a bit cheesy though.


um no I wouldn't just saying.

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This game isn't for everyone. Go play something else with more action in it if you're bored.

I just hope Rocket has the sense not to cave in to all this whining. The changes he's making are positive changes that are taking the mod in the right direction - despite the moaning of a vocal minority.

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i hang around the coast and i shoot up people's leg all day. you have no clue how angry people get. from personal insults to death threats personally and to my family. people fucking get so emotional its hilarious

but still the insults take a emotional toll on you after hearing it tens of times during a session. a lot of times i feel like i have to execute the guy to stop his insults

Thats fucking hilarious man! I'm going to have to kill you now because you've become rabid and must be put down....but still, that's some funny shit right there.

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Ok this running around with no weapons and stuff is boring. You can't really do much. also tired of being spawned out middle of frigen no where. Im done with this mod.


Learn the spawn points, Find the nearest loot area, head there, and get yourself a gun. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to get a gun 5 minutes after you spawn.

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Ok this running around with no weapons and stuff is boring. You can't really do much. also tired of being spawned out middle of frigen no where. Im done with this mod.

Takes a real man to understand a survival game.

What did you expect?

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However with no starting weapons and Zombies with long aggro range it has become almost impossible to get anything.

Just spawned , looted Cherno , went North and got the rest of the gear I needed, crew checking in. It was a good 3 hours of DayZ.

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