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itamar (DayZ)

That moment when your friendly to unarmed

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Did it ever happened to you when you were friendly to Unarmed players? Write it here.

My experience:

One time i was at balota airfield, fresh spawn and in bandit skin (cuz i killed ppl who shot me). I had m4a3 with mags and more stuff i loot there. I was at the top floor of the firestation when an unarmed player came to where i was. I saw he was unarmed so i didn't shoot and i told him I'm friendly and won't shoot him. He was still scared and after a min he went down. After 3 min i checked the other floors again and saw a shotgun (didnt take it). I got back to the top floor and i heard someone coming. I knew it was the unarmed guy because he was still at the area of the firestation. Then i remembered the shotgun. He came up when it was in his hand. Before i could say "Friendly" again he shot my chess. I wasted a full stanag mag on his head and body. Yeah he died..

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I'm pretty friendly in dayz, and usually don't open fire first. My problem seems to be these dumbasses that run up to me and try to melee me with an axe , crowbar, machete. I have to shoot them in the face. It also doesn't help when I ask "are you friendly" and the response is gunfire (even though they aren't bandits). 


It's hard not to kill those people. I wish there was game mechanic to take these things into consideration. 

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I would've dont the same thing tbh... You were wearing a bandit skin. I tend to be as friendly as possible, and only shoot bandits on sight.

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So tell me, how does it feel being friendly? I've heard of it before, but never tried it.

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Threats. Don't yell out friendly or ask if they are friendly. What had worked consistently for me is

"I don't want to have to kill you. If you turn around I have to shoot you. If you lower your weapon we can talk" this gives them the opportunity to just run away and yell friendly or whatever and then I can gun them down or just run to cover in the opposite direction.

Or, they lower their weapon and we talk and then anything can happen.

Yelling out to a stranger that you won't shoot them until fired upon basically is giving them permission to take their sweet time to line up a headshot. Make them respect the fact that you are armed and likely dangerous

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Every time I'm friendly to an unarmed they either steal all the shit out of my backpack, kill me once they find a gun, or both.  :(

Edited by Plexico

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I was playing some DayZ Epidemic today and was just taking my new Pick up for a stroll when i came across a new spawned played, keep in mind i have a survivor skin. Neither of us had weapons so i figured we could team up. I pull over he ask if he can get a ride i say sure buddy hop in. We talk for about 10 mins before finding the town we were heading to. We pulled up in town and pulled over beside the market. We both hoped out and ran inside to gather some food and water and other basics. Well I started to ask him if he had found anything useful but i didnt get an answer.. so i walked aound the corner of the store to see him and he had a pistol in my face.. I said " it dosent have to be like this man..." he said "fuck you faggot" opened fire on me. I made a mad fucking dash back to my truck hoped in and hauled ass! later down the road 2 douche tickles shot me with some high powerd weapons.. oh well..

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Kill Or Be Killed Only Team With Close Friends

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Every time I'm friendly to an unarmed they either steal all the shit out of my backpack, kill me once they find a gun, or both.  :(

Yep U Cant Trust Bambis All U Can Trust  Is Close Friends

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I kill anyone I dont know in real life

Good Job U Are Now A Jedi  Young Padawan :)

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I was playing some DayZ Epidemic today and was just taking my new Pick up for a stroll when i came across a new spawned played, keep in mind i have a survivor skin. Neither of us had weapons so i figured we could team up. I pull over he ask if he can get a ride i say sure buddy hop in. We talk for about 10 mins before finding the town we were heading to. We pulled up in town and pulled over beside the market. We both hoped out and ran inside to gather some food and water and other basics. Well I started to ask him if he had found anything useful but i didnt get an answer.. so i walked aound the corner of the store to see him and he had a pistol in my face.. I said " it dosent have to be like this man..." he said "fuck you faggot" opened fire on me. I made a mad fucking dash back to my truck hoped in and hauled ass! later down the road 2 douche tickles shot me with some high powerd weapons.. oh well..

U Cant Trust People Like That Heres His Plan He Knew He Could Get A Ride To A Town To Loot So He Took The Free Ride Then He Plotted To Get A Gun From Market To Kill U Get  Ur Loot And Vehicle

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Every time I'm friendly to an unarmed they either steal all the shit out of my backpack, kill me once they find a gun, or both.  :(

Then they aren't the Bambi.. You're the Bambi just be friendly, sort things out, and just go in different directions. You dont have to stick with the person... Just say if you follow me I will shoot you.. Dont tell him anything more. Dont bring them to your car/camp, dont mention a car/camp. 

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I wish they had like a hotkey that would automatically type 'Im Friendly' or 'Don't Shoot'. To relieve spam, it can only be used every 30 seconds.

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