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Friend List/Spawn On Friend

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I think the ability to add players to a friendslist is mandatory. I think that you should be able to go on the same server as them, and spawn next to them if you so choose. Trying to find your friends on a 225 SQ KM map is impossible, and I really think this feature should be added.

Obviously, if there was just a spawn on player feature, bandits could prey on any and all. But this is a good system. Battlefield has a similar way of doing things.

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Spawn on friend = absolutely not, far too much potential for abuse.

Spawn as group in random location or on coast = fucking essential IMO

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Spawn on friend = absolutely not' date=' far too much potential for abuse.

Spawn as group in random location or on coast = fucking essential IMO


That's more fair, I suppose. A party system. I think the size would have to be limited though. A 20 man group would be completely unfair. Maybe a max of 5?

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Spawming on the same starting location would be great! It's kinda annoying to die and respawn until my friend and I spawn in close positions.

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