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Is there a laptop out there that can play DayZ on ultra?

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I was wondering if there was a gaming laptop out ther which can play this game and any other game on ultra settings and run it smoothly. If so, which one?

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The Alienware M17x R4 and M18x R2 and every laptop with similar hardware (sandy/ivy bridge quad and amd 7970M or nvidia 675/680M graphics) should be capable to do this.

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I was wondering if there was a gaming laptop out ther which can play this game and any other game on ultra settings and run it smoothly. If so' date=' which one?[/font']


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Mine plays it at very high at 1080p with no problems. But even at it's best looking, Arma2 is an ugly, ugly game. Except for the vehicles, they are rendered quite nice. Compare it to Skyrim HD or any AAA FPS and the graphics are pretty low par, but the gameplay more than makes up for the lacklustre graphics.

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Im running the game on ultra with a gtx 560 2gb card and a AMD 3.2 GHZ 6 core processor. I assume a I7 laptop with a decent card could run this without problems.

But like said before this game is not even worth ultra. Its nothing special.

Reminds me of Half Life 2 graphics......2004 game.

Arma has some great gameplay tho.

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Probably yes, but will be VERY expensive and give you the same performance as a desktop PC that costs like 700£, but i understand laptops are needed for some people so if you can afford it then you will be able to find one.

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funny, I don't remember any "ultra" settings...


But like said before this game is not even worth ultra. Its nothing special.

Reminds me of Half Life 2 graphics......2004 game.

I don't think people appreciate the graphics in this game. I can't think of any other game that simulates a huge terrain like this game. games like Skyrim and Just Cause 2 come close, but not quite...

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funny' date=' I don't remember any "ultra" settings...



Reminds me of Half Life 2 graphics......2004 game.

I don't think people appreciate the graphics in this game. I can't think of any other game that simulates a huge terrain like this game. games like Skyrim and Just Cause 2 come close' date=' but not quite..



I'm sorry Very high. I assumed you understood me.

when I say "Reminds me of Half Life 2 graphics......2004 game." I don't mean its horrible looking its just a little low par for a game that was around in 2009. Half llife 2 has its moments but its also a breeze to run on Ultra/Very High. Arma has some engine issues.

I do enjoy the lighting at times.

IMO Skyrim destroys this game in graphics and is easyier to run.

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Doubt it but if there was it would not be cheap. Even 'gaming laptops' are terrible at running games' date=' especially online shooters.


The fuck you talkin about? Ive had this gaming laptop for years and it runs Arma on high settings and runs every game I've played fine. It is a bit hefty, though. But that bit about terrible at running games and online shooters is just bullshit. Try ordering from AVA direct at http://www.avadirect.com/

I picked parts and the case and cooling and such and they sent it to me with a binder full of diagnostics and data. It was also cheap, ESPECIALLY when compared to shit like alienware.

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IMO Skyrim destroys this game in graphics and is easyier to run.

Skyrim is better optimized, but a lot of that has to do with various 'tricks' they use to not render too much at once. it's also a fantasy land with vertical mountains, majestic waterfalls, and all that good stuff. Arma 2 on the other hand cuts no corners, has a very realistic world, and yes, the performance suffers because of it

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LOL gaming on a laptop' date=' ohh how little some people know about things...


Really? Well please enlighten myself and everyone what you "know".

Because I'm currently running battlefield 3 at 1920x1080 maxed out on Ultra settings getting 55-65fps. Skyrim maxed out I get 70+fps, Crysis 2 45-50fps.

This is on an Alienware M17x R4 that I purchased for 1800$ + tax along with a free xbox 360.

This is running on a mobile 7970m GPU that has about the same core and memory clock of a desktop 7970 (overclocked to 1000/1450) all running at safe temperatures without an over volt at 69c with the room ambient temperature being 85f which is quite hot and humid.

The 7970m is based on a desktop 7870 architecture with 1280 shader cored and 80 texture units. At a safe overclock it far surpasses a desktop 7870 which is considered to be quite the video card.

To put it in more mainstream terms that your "knowledgeable" self can comprehend, this is on par with a GTX 570 Card from 2011 - which has no problem maxing out DayZ with headroom to run Minecraft in the background.

But you know what, lets ignore GPUs, The CPU that I am running is an ivy bridge 3720qm which is a CPU that matches (and is some benches surpasses) the performance of the Desktop i7 2600k, this CPU is also BIOs overclockable to a safe and cool 4ghz core which urinates on everything I am sure you have ever played on.

The RAM that is supported has a maximum speed of 1866MHz which I am sure is not even close to the speed you are running on you "rig" with the stock RAM on Alienware currently being 1600mhz with quite the quick timing.

Now with all that taken into account, I am looking foreward to hearing how much you "know" about mobile PC gaming in the year 2012, and can't wait until you make a fool out of yourself after trying to attack someones intelligence even though he simply asked a question.


Now OP; at this day and age, many Notebooks can Run DayZ and all other games maxed out without a hitch. If you want to save some $$$ look at ASUS G series and Clevo/Sager based custom laptops from xoticPC and Malibal to name a few resellers. If you want something on the more expensive side (yet still not "apple" expensive) Check out the Alienwares, I'm on my second Gen of M17x and loving all of them. Am yet to encounter a game that gives me problems. If you got any questions I'd be more than happy to answer as I trolled boards for weeks before making my purchase.

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My Origin laptop plays it on ultra just fine. I got it when they still had sli mobile setups so it's a dual 580 with n i7 chip, ssd's, 12gb of ram and all over locked. Fast but NOT cheap

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Mine plays it at very high at 1080p with no problems. But even at it's best looking' date=' Arma2 is an ugly, ugly game. Except for the vehicles, they are rendered quite nice. Compare it to Skyrim HD or any AAA FPS and the graphics are pretty low par, but the gameplay more than makes up for the lacklustre graphics.


You're kidding right?

I play it at 2560 X 1440 everything maxed, and barely get 40 frames on what can only be considered an absolute beast of a PC.

No chance their is a laptop in existence that can run this maxed out.

It is still a beautiful game.

The foliage is second to none and gun models are far superior to any other game on the market. Its a pity it cant render grass at distance though, that would definitely improve the games look.

What lets this game down is a slightly artificial look and some pretty ordinary textures, especially the structures.

It is still up there as a very realistic looking engine with some of the lighting still mixing it with the triple A's.

It's certainly much less eye strain than BF3 with it's multitude of particle effects and terrible sun angles.

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Again, please look at the Origin PC's (originpc.com) and you can EASILY find a laptop to run the game on Ultra. Resolution would be the only question, but my Origin runs it fine with everything maxed. I use a tower normally but when i travel I can take it with me (though I dont use TrackIR on my laptop)

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