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Question About Arma 2: CO

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Hi, I bought Arma 2: CO on steam yesterday and I've been really enjoying DayZ. My friend also wants to play however he says he already has Arma 2 vanilla. He got Arma 2 for free from GreenManGaming and my question is can he buy Operation Arrowhead from steam and be able to play Day Z?

I understand that you need Combined Operations to run Day Z, but can you have the two standalone versions without CO and still run Day Z?

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Yes it is possible, Ill explain:

Update your arma 2 using arma2.com, then when it is updated go to your arma 2 folder, copy the addons folder (the one with files like a-10.pbo etc) and paste it inside the oa folder. Then create the entire @dayz stuff in the OA folder. When it is all correctly done, start up your OA. Go to expansions and enable @dayz and arma 2. If either dayz or arma 2 (or both) is not in that list, then remove that folder and try it again (arma 2=addons folder, dayz= entire dayz folder) If you follow these instructions then you shouldnt have any problems. Some FAP (frequent annoying problems)

If it says you are missing CAbuilding parts or things like deleted.chernarus then you should make sure that you really updated arma 2 to 1.11, when its updated remove the old outdated addons folder and paste the new one in.

If it says you are missing things like dayz_weapons, dAyz_code etc then make sure you have th latest mod files, and that you really used winrar to extrct the files.

The expansions list can be found ingame in the main menu, DO NOT DISABLE ANYTHING IN THAT LIST, only enable arma 2 and dayz and click apply.

Load times for servers can be slow, be patient.

Do not use seperate launchers or shortcuts, just use the normal unaltered OA shortcut, if arma asks if you want to run CO, then select run OA only ( because the addons folder you pasted into the oa folder already make the game CO as long as its enabled)

If your friend is a pc noob then make sure to help him in person or on skype or something.

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