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bad version, server rejected connection?

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I recently downloaded Arma II, Arma II Operation Arrowhead and Arma II BAF so that I could play DayZ. I downloaded these using steam and I downloaded DayZ Commander to launch the game with. However, everytime I try to launch a server using the DayZ commander it always says "bad version, server rejected connection". I looked online and people say to downgrade to and older version of the game (I downgraded to version 1.7.7 from version but I am still having this error message (bad version, server rejected connection). Does anyone know how to fix this?



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Run DayZ Commander, go at top bar where it says install/update, click that, a new frame will open, check both arma and dayz so they're the latest versions, then go back to server filtering and check "Hide Wrong Arma2 Version" and "Hide Wrong Mod Version". Pick a server and play.

Edited by h3l1x

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I did that but it still comes up saying "Bad version, server rejected connection"

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run dayz commander got to settings and if you have Launch with steam ticked make sure you tick Replace Original Arma2OA files with beta so Steam works

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run dayz commander got to settings and if you have Launch with steam ticked make sure you tick Replace Original Arma2OA files with beta so Steam works


Had the same problem, doing this ^ fixed it. :)

Edited by Death Dealer

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run dayz commander got to settings and if you have Launch with steam ticked make sure you tick Replace Original Arma2OA files with beta so Steam works


That worked. thanks for your help :)

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