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Mudpuppy (DayZ)

Returning player has a few questions

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I haven't played in about 3/4 months due to new girlfriend and now the honeymoon period is over I'm back!


Did they up the bleed and infection chance? My first game back I was bleeding on roughly every 3rd hit making zombie combat with an axe very hard, I also picked up an infection on that first hit. I spawned with antibiotics but half way to Berezino I picked up a 2nd infection.


Finally I'm looking for a decent private hive to play on. I used to play on the Laughingman servers but they seem to have gone. A hive with 2/3 servers and active mods/admins would be perfect.



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I wish I could delete my thread, just realized my questions can be answered by looking on the forums. Sorry, although a private hive would still be nice

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Hanging out a bit too much at the Chalmun's Cantina i'd say..

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