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Looking for a clan

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Im 16 years old, Mature, Im looking for a clan/ a group of people to play dayz origins with due to it being boring playing alone.

If anyone wants to join me or team up with me my skype is



Only play with people from UK, Australia,USA 

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The Special Operations Service is a DayZ/Arma Clan that is currently playing DayZ Over Watch. The clan uses a ranking system so you will have to follow orders if you join. It is very important to follow orders because we have had problems with clan members not following orders and getting other clan members killed as a result, but learning from mistakes is what makes our clan great. The Clan also uses a squad system so when you join the clan you will be put in one of three squads, Hastati squad, Varangian Squad, or Praetorian Squad. If you have any problems with the squad you are placed in, you can apply to join another squad by talking with the leader of the clan, MrShrome. The clan plays DayZ every day from 2:40pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time, we do play earlier depending on how many people are on the Team Speak. The requirements for joining the clan is to have Team Speak, Skype, or Steam.


If you are interested in joining then visit this Team Speak Ip:


If no one is on the Team Speak send a friend contact request to SpecialOperationsService on Skype or send friends request to MrShrome on Steam.

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Hey there mate you should join The Chaos Vanguard! You don't have to mess around with going through an application process, all you have to do is jump on teamspeak and have a chat then we will get you introduced to the guys.


We currently own our own Origins server which has only recently been setup, but we'd open to playing any mod you prefer to play and we're up for trying new mods! 


if interested just jump on teamspeak and poke anyone with a shield! :) 



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