fart11eleven 5 Posted June 20, 2012 Spawned. Had great FPS. Played 5 minutes, FPS went worse and worse.Overall i spawned 10 to 20 times today, i managed to survive on average for about 10 minutes. Normally i easily make it over 30 minutes (pre Patch ^^). I died to Zombies mostly.So ok, where to start.- FPS (literally 5 FPS. I have a good graphics card, i even sometimes run smoothly. However, the longer the game progresses, FPS gets lower and lower and lower).- Next is, i just spawn with a torch, nothing more in my inventory. Okok, i know why this is for and i basically apreciate this, but combined with the nice aggro zombies range aka 1000 meter through walls you basically have no chance to survive very long. The fix is coming, okok no problem.- I crawled alot today. More than normal. Zombies simply punch me down, crack my bones, when i try to hit them with almost the only weapon i ever found today, THE HATCHET. Yet, i have no morphine. Ok, well?! Respawn!!!- Respawned again, same state. I managed to put morohine on me this time. However, i still have no weapon. Where is the loot. No loot everywhere. I extra played long today (fixing my sleep schedule), but the loot system is bugged as hell. Okok, hardly over the corner, next 20 zombies hit me. This time 1 hit knocks me out. Ok no problem you might think. At least i should have around 5000K blood left (from 9000 to 5000, that is ok for one knockout, no ?). But guess what, the knockout time is so high that it is enough that 1 zombie can kill you while eating. Nice!- Ok respawn again. Making the same story over and over again. Still no weapon. No items. Zombies OP, WTF Nu fun!!!- Then i try to chat with others asking them how it is going, but guess what, the chat is also brokend/bugged :D Not working at all :D- Ok men, no problem. I still want to play this game. Lets just go to another server and spawn again. I will have about 100 FPS again and around 3 minutes till they drop down. If you totally prone and just crawl through the game, no zombie will ever aggro on me. Well, this time, after 30 minutes, i found my first 'real' weapon today: a Makarov (and i know where loot spawns, believe me). So i walk along, and guess what, another 20 zombies :D 100 meters away from me coming at me :D I make one single move and again 20 zombies WTF :D Ok no prob no prob, at least i have this Makarov. Ok cool, Zombies down, no ammo. OMG.- So i go to this military camp where normally some good weapons spawn, but guess what, empty cans!!!! LOL. Nice.- But the top scene was this for me. After i managed to shoot all my bullets into my enemy zeds (the cities i walked through ? No shots at all. It was a 50 men server, total silence), i was on that one military camp near "Balota?". I had again 20 zombies on me, constantly actually. I climbed up on one of thes things (do not know how to call them). But they are wooden and have a ladder. I remembered there spawns always a weapon, at least some ammo. But nothing. All i found was this one "green flare?". It attrackts zombies, no ? Well there was one zombie climbing up the ladder behind me. I had no ammo, no weapons, 1 hour walk behind me. The only chance is this green flare. Ok, i thought. I am sure a smart guy. I just throw this flare and the zombie who just climbed up the ladder and who is blocking my whole way down for me (no other way out) will run after it, and i can at least climb down (get out!). Well lol. All the other 100 zombies downstairs went after it, but only the 1 zombie blokcing the way down for me decided he will just stay there and troll me. Funny enough, he constantly tries to hit me, but somehow can not move forward aka in any way realized that he is not hitting me and that more hits will not change anything about this miserale situation. Well, lol. I just couldn't take it anymore and RQ ...My wonderful day of BugZ (ehm, i mean), yeah, BugZ ^^P.S. no bash intended. I just find that hilarious how much this is broken, but i still love it. Keep up the good work.-fart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites