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garret clark

Is the AS50 still in the game?

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Some people still act like it is on the forums. Is it still in the game?


I really don't know, I think vanilla DayZ it's gone.  But I'm guessing the other DayZ Mod Mods and private hives might be different.

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It depends on the patch version really. From 1.7.7 even if you add it (and the M107) to the loot table it still deals 0 damage.


Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, too lazy to look up the facts right now.

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Its gone in vanilla, but it is still available in some other mods ie Namalsk

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There are AS50's, but as someone pointed out, they do 0 damage. If you want a Anti-Material gun like the AS50, you should check out my server. We have the KSVK :D with no additional download!





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