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US Hardcore Servers

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Server Name: US Hardcore 1-4

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Expert - No 3rd person, No crosshairs, no FOV dots.

Version: 1.60 (Not Beta patched) but Beta is allowed

Location: Dallas, US

Time Zone: PST

Teamspeak 3: dallas.jestservers.com:7080 pw: freedom

Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply. We kick high pingers (+250) to keep lag down. No VOIP allowed, other than over Direct chat.

Contact: Myself on here via PM, or on TS3.

Donations welcome, please ask for information on TS.

We have 4 servers up now! All of them are setup with no 3rd person, no crosshairs, no death messages, no scoreboard, and will soon be setup to be in expert mode. I'll have to have a chat with the mod devs, because despite the mission settings, and server settings, it always goes back to veteran mode. All difficulty settings are set to disable the noob stuff, only difference is the FOV dots that show where rabbits, cows, zombies, and hidden bandits are. Looking to get those disabled, and they will be ASAP.

Servers are supported by http://13thsfg.com head over there for teamspeak info in order to link up with us on the server. We are actively looking for other groups or individuals to help create an anti bandit coalition.

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NA has been in dire need of some solid veteran/expert servers. For anyone who likes the experience of absolutely no game aids such as crosshairs or nameplates, this server is perfect. After playing on one since they have been set up, I can attest that Franklin's servers have been working quite nicely.

Since we have been looking around for a veteran server based in the US, AATW is glad to now call US Hardcore 1 its home. Hopefully we will not have to cross bullets with Franklin and his boys. We really enjoyed meeting up with you guys and running an op together, and we look forward to running more in the future!

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Can we get these servers restarted please? They're lagging horribly. I just died because someone shot my lagging avatar as it ran in a straight line through a city even though I was back a few blocks.

I love your servers by the way. Been waiting for a true hardcore US server. Thanks for hosting.

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For best response to get the servers restarted either go to http://13thsfg.com and post in the chat there, or get on our TS3 @ dallas.jestservers.com:7080 PW: freedom

Thanks for your support guys!

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For best response to get the servers restarted either go to http://thefirst2fight.com and post in the chat there' date=' or get on our TS3 @ no PW needed.

Thanks for your support guys!


I too like your hardcore servers but like others have been having lag issues myself... like the server is melting down or something! A little better performance and if it's possible, the text that says where you are when you find yourself on the beach yet again? It's not really for me ;) I know the coastline pretty well by now... but since I play on hardcore servers I tend to drag noobs into them too, sometimes for their first time.

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The text isn't a server thing, I belive that is mission made?? Ill check into that, as I dont like it telling me where you are either. We are running 4 servers off one box, and I havent dialed in the server bandwidth settings yet, so once I get on that the lag issues may go down.

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Love the servers guys. Any chance we could be allowed Sounds of Anders sound mod?

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All mods are not permitted by the days mod at this time. We will have to wait to beta, or later possibly.

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I too like your hardcore servers but like others have been having lag issues myself... like the server is melting down or something! A little better performance and if it's possible' date=' the text that says where you are when you find yourself on the beach yet again? It's not really for me ;) I know the coastline pretty well by now... but since I play on hardcore servers I tend to drag noobs into them too, sometimes for their first time.


Which servers do you normally hang around buddy? Our group hangs around the Chicago servers and Ny severs in the evenings. Might bump into us if you're around the smaller towns :)

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For best response to get the servers restarted either go to http://thefirst2fight.com and post in the chat there' date=' or get on our TS3 @ no PW needed.

Thanks for your support guys!


I too like your hardcore servers but like others have been having lag issues myself... like the server is melting down or something! A little better performance and if it's possible, the text that says where you are when you find yourself on the beach yet again? It's not really for me ;) I know the coastline pretty well by now... but since I play on hardcore servers I tend to drag noobs into them too, sometimes for their first time.

The server is actually not working that hard at all. Even with all 4 game servers running at maxed capacity.

Edit: I have noticed that if it runs all night and one of the 4 game servers crashes without being restarted it does some funny things . That could be a cause of some of the lag but im not sure.

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Not sure if the admins control this or the server owners, but US Hardcore servers need to have everything disabled again. Right now they have Recruit settings.

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Loyd, please dont advertise other servers in my server thread.

Patrick thanks for the report, hopefully the settings are correct now, if not It will have to remain as is until i get home later today. I apologize for the noob-ness, one of the Developers went in and set everything up properly, as whoever setup the backend of the dayz mod prior didn't to it completely right it looks like. So now I have to go back through and edit all the changes to get rid of the nubification, and I dont have time before I head out for the day.

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No problem man, I understand things happen. Gave you some rep because you seem like a cool server admin. :) It looks like only US Hardcore 3 has those settings, but I couldn't get in hardcore 2 or 4 because of the waiting for server response issue.

Just want to say again I appreciate your servers.

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sorry for all the restarts today guys, there was a mixup on setting the servers to the right difficulty with the new update


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Nice server(s.

Is there one that the admins tend to play on more often? Was on US Hardcore 3 last night and there was a lot of flaming and racism in chat.

A little bit of that doesn't bother me but this went on for about an hour between two players.

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we are mostly on server 1 but we will be needing admins for the other servers very soon.

And as a matter of fact, feel free to apply in this thread if you play on servers 2 thru 4.

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I play in the evenings 6PM-whenever I hit the hay. Now that Hardcore 3 and 4 are up I'm making 4 my home. I'd be up for helping. Will PM my contact info.

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Sounds good BigMorgan!

We call server 1 our home, and actively kick retards, high pingers and known sploit groups. We do need to build a team of trusted admins to help control the kiddies on servers 2,3, and 4 though. Send your resume to Bandit or myself for consideration.

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Marou_ has already been pm'd but its the same msg almost below.

BigMorgan, your pms are disabled but heres the msg.

Thanks, we are working out the basic details for admins, and also dealing with the instability of the alpha thru the 4 servers. I will get back with you within the week. Im also well aware of you guys thru the BIS forums, its nice to have some old pros around!

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Hey folks,

Been playing on your servers quite a lot lately as i can't stand the game aids on regular servers.

Can you confirm that there are vehicles on all 4 of your servers? In my time on server 2 i haven't seen a single one.

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I'm curious what the exact differences are between 'veteran' and 'expert' difficulty anyway? I frequently play on servers that are listed as veteran and we have things like no 3rd person, no reticle, no death notifications, no name tag under reticle (which is invisible anyway), etc.

I'm aware that the listed skill level on the server list is just a loose guide. Is this actually closer to expert difficulty or are there more differences to be had?

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AFAIK the main difference is no FOV dots (those little white dots that move around showing you where objects within 200m are, that are just off you screen in any direction).

Bigmorgan, no worries man, you took from us some nice stuff, but nothing that was really needed. You have to understand that this is war though, all in good fun of course.

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AFAIK the main difference is no FOV dots (those little white dots that move around showing you where objects within 200m are' date=' that are just off you screen in any direction).

Bigmorgan, no worries man, you took from us some nice stuff, but nothing that was really needed. You have to understand that this is war though, all in good fun of course.


Can you confirm vehicle spawns? I haven't seen any on 3 or 4, but realize that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't there.

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