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TreeHouse Gaming Recruiting

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We are a semi-mature group of gamers from ages 17 and up. We currently have our own DayZ server that you can join from our website http://treehousegamingclan.enjin.com/home.

We have our on TS3 server with at lease two admins on all the time !

Feel free to join our community by clicking the "join" us tab on our webpage , you will get a response ASAP.


Donators to the community will recieve a DayZ loadout relevant to how much they spend but non donators will also be given the chance to recieve special loadouts to make everything fair.


We have a unique ranking system for our members following the USMC system.


please feel free to pop in and if you like what you see then submit an application !


Im always on TS and will fill you in on how to get talking to a member of staff as soon as i can :)


ragards ,





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