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squad looking for players (dayzero)

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Hey, we are a new squad looking for some players to play on the DE servers of zombies.nu (dayzero)...we haven't played a lot of dayzero before (me and oz) but we played the normal dayz for a year at least.
We are a chilled pvp squad that could need 1-2 more players (we are 3-4 right now).

what are we looking for:
-chilled players that don't rage and whine if they die
-don't be to young
-make good calls, don't get panic if you get shot or smth.
-have some dayZ experience, know your way up to the most big, known places such as stary, NWAF, vybor, ...

what can we offer:
-good atmosphere
-much experience

if you want to join, leave a comment and i'll give you the ts3 info.
sorry if this is the wrong forum section, i couldn't find a "Players/teams looking for...." section.

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