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Looking for mature players for Medical & Mercenary task force. For DayZ Origins

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Greetings all,


You might recognise me from this topic: 




For the people that don't know me, my name is Shiro, I am a admin from the server Xtreme Tactics, A international DayZ Origins Gaming Community. 


About a week ago we started a fresh Origins server where we are welcoming Individual players, groups and clans for PVP gameplay against each other.


Things are going pretty well, And day by day our 40 man server is getting more populated.


I had a small think in what kind of direction we wanted to go with the server and i tought it would be a awsome idea to organise a few different fractions.


Two of those fractions would be a Medical group and the other group would be a Mercenary group for hire.


If you ask me i think it is a great idea. and thinking of the possiblities for those groups is absolutely limitless.


It is not only fun for a mercenary and medical group to play on this server but also great for other groups that play either as a hero or bandit group.


So! this is the deal! currently i am looking for two (mature) players that are having the same vision as above stated to lead a Medical group and a mercenary group and want to recruit players for there own fraction. Our Team of XT gaming will provide for you a TS3 server and a nice Dayz Origins server to player on but you can take the group in what ever direction you want to go. If you are a player but you do not want to lead a group. Leave a message below with your contact details. And when the time comes the squad leader can approach you.


My contact details are:


Skype: Shiroratz

TS3: eurots1.gameservers.com:9150 


Looking forward to hear from you all!



Edited by whiteshiro

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I think that I'm interested in  mercenary  group, but I don't want to lead it.

my skype is : kevin.vunukainen

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