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Starting a New EU DayZ Origins Clan [T.E.A]

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[T.E.A] The Elite Assassins is gaming clan. What is focused on the DayZ Origins at the moment.
We play different games such as Battlefield 3, Minecraft, Leagu of Legends and many more games.We hope to make a stronghold and a lot of houses.You don't have to have any prior knowledge of DayZ Origins but a little would be nice.
There are some simple requirements:
-You need to be at least 15 years old
-You need to be somewhat mature
-You need to have ts3/skype
-You need to have a microphone
Please fill out this forum below to join. Thanks for your time  :)
What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.)
Former experience with Dayz/Origins:
Any Former Clan(s)?:

We play on Xtreme Tactics - No Bullshit - Just Gaming server


Edited by MON5TER

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Name: Mike Gentile

Age: 15 bout to be 16 soon

Country: united states

What role you want: im am deadly with a sniper tend to sharpshoot with a DMR or even M16 


Former experience with Dayz/Origins:started playing origins 2 weeks ago still gettin used to the map but bee playing dayz for months

Any Former Clan(s)?: no but getting tired of soloing up and always dying to a group 4 or more just usually play with my buddy

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forgot to add i play support on LoL lvl 30 but only played 2 ranked games but i won both and have some modded minecraft servers

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Name: Max
Age: 15
Country: UK
What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) Ground Man, Assault Rifle.
Skype: Max.obm
Former experience with Dayz/Origins: Played DayZ Origins 2 Months. Bandit
Any Former Clan(s)?: SOS DayZ Clan.

We play on Xtreme Tactics - No Bullshit - Just Gaming server



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