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How do I throw stuff....

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Like the title says,

How do I throw stuff like flares? Grenades? Can I throw empty tin cans at zombies and hope they die? Can I throw Tin cans to distract them? Can I throw a tin can at a player and kill them? If I throw a tin can at someones balls will they go down?

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LOL at the last part about hitting a guy in the balls ;D

But all I know is you can throw a flare by holding down left click button, as if you were shooting a gun.

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Do I have to select the flares first or can I just hold the button down and chuck it?

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Make sure that your flares and grenades are in your main inventory when you hit G, not in your backpack. Then hitting F will cycle through your fire selector if you have a weapon with automatic or burst, then you'll see flares and grenade.

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I kind of changed my controls around, What is F supposed to be?

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Make sure you have the item(s) in the ready inventory slot.

Throwing takes practice, hit the Arma 2 armory and practice.

Hit the "f" key to cycle *( or you can scroll ) to the selected item which the text is displayed in the right corner of the screen.

Left click will throw the object your mouse up/down adjusts the arc of the throw. On regular severs with aim points you will see a circle that expands and contracts to judge distance.

All objects "throw" a little different

** Make sure you path to target is clear or the thrown item will bounce or strike anything you are around making this a pain in the ass **

On hardcore there nothing to refference you throw from, have fun with that.

*** Grenades have a large damage radious make sure you get some distance!!!

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