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All Items in vehicles disappear after server restart

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Found out where the cars go.

On us 2123 i was in a bus 3 min before server restart, racing to try and get to my body before restart wipes all the gear, when the bus was teleported into a body of water with all the other vehicles appearing as well. I then died immediately and my passenger was beside the vehicle bleeding out as if the bus blew up. So if you vehicles are disappearing after server restarts they are probably being teleported to the ocean with all the rest. Try sitting in your vehicle 3 min before restart and see what happens.

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Vehicles go back to where they were saved on the last patch. Fortunately thats back at our base thingy. Although its impossible to save things in the vehicles now.

Ive noticed its possible to dupe items through removing a weapn or whatever then adding it to your inventory somewhere, rebooting the server will mean the item is still in the tent or vehicle, and also a duplicate in your pack.

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Had this problem with UAZ, ATV, Bike, Ural and Bus. I bet the missing vehicles are buggy too.

Without the possibility to save vehicles and tents, DayZ is a useless piece of ...

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Similar issues here. Tents used to work fine for me but now nothing seems to want to stay saved in them, lost some valuable stuff in the process.

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Similar issues here. Tents used to work fine for me but now nothing seems to want to stay saved in them, lost some valuable stuff in the process.

Thought the same with our tents but after the last restart ALL of our tents are gone. Our engines, weels,weapons,magas etc etc etc everything is lost now

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i fixed my off-road white about 3 times everytime when server restarts my cars is gone i hopefully it's not happen on dayz standalone..

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Yep, upon server restart vehicles got teleported back to their "original" position in their "original" state (e.g. they had to be repaired again and all loot gone)

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