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Eternal Death

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You won't find many normal people that want to experience only negative emotions in their free time.

Great. There are plenty of games designed for normal people. I don't care if DayZ appeals to them.

If that really want they want with this game which they're trying to take to full retail in stores

Who said they're trying to do that? Have you read anything at all about their plans for this game?

Who comes home from work/school with the mindset that they can't wait become "stressed' date=' frustrated, angered and sad"?[/quote']

I don't know. Ask all the people who make sad/depressing films and seem to do all right. Who reads books about wars, or the Diary of Anne Frank, or watches all those "true crime" shows on TV that go into gruesome detail about murders and rapes and murder-suicides and rape-murders? People seem to eat that shit up.

Great games should have those moments, but to make them the whole point is insane, IMO.

Insane? Perfect. That means DayZ is going in the right direction.

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You won't find many normal people that want to experience only negative emotions in their free time. If that really want they want with this game which they're trying to take to full retail in stores' date=' they might as well forget about it now. Who comes home from work/school with the mindset that they can't wait become "stressed, frustrated, angered and sad"?


There might be some, or a lot. DayZ is almost an entirely new genre in itself, and what if the stress/frustration/anger/sadness is the MAIN reason they start to play the game more?

Generally, when you do something that has the POTENTIAL to be a negative on your life, the REWARD is more satisfactory, isn't it? What's the point of me playing and owning everyone in Team Fortress 2 and being in the top leaderboard all time?

Of course there's some. You creating this thread shows that. My point is it's not a viable business model for something they're trying to take from a random mod to a retail game (series?). Great games should have a myriad of emotions but the sum of their parts should equate to fun. It doesn't take a business genius to know that most people won't spend money on a game/passtime where the goal is to not be/have fun. And the very idea of even allowing you experience the game anymore for that day once you day makes even less sense.

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My point is it's not a viable business model

Neither are brutally hardcore milsims, but that's what ARMA has been since it's inception and it's still going strong.

If you want "normal games" and "traditional business models" then you need to go back to EA/Ubisoft/Activision land. You're not going to find it here. That's not what ARMA is about and it's certainly not what DayZ is about.

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If that really want they want with this game which they're trying to take to full retail in stores

Who said they're trying to do that? Have you read anything at all about their plans for this game?

Rocket said at E3 that they're currently working on making Dayz a stand alone, retail game. Much like what happened with Portal and Counterstrike. Don't believe me, they had a whole report on it over at gametrailers.

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Rocket said at E3 that they're currently working on making Dayz a stand alone' date=' retail game. Much like what happened with Portal and Counterstrike. Don't believe me, they had a whole report on it over at gametrailers.


But again, that is a BUSINESS model for a RETAIL game. This is a MOD for a game, and other then being contracted by Bohemia Interactive and Bohemia reaping the spoils through Steam/Online sales, Rocket does not make any money on this MOD. Do you see even a donate button anywhere? I sure don't.

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The main problem with the OP's idea is that no matter how immersive or realistic you're trying to make the game, in the end it's still a video game. Not everyone is trying to be as immersed in the game as others, and some take great pleasure in griefing/trolling. Simply put, there's no REAL LIFE consequence to killing others or dying yourself.

This point is going to be endlessly debated, but I don't think there will ever be a way to get rid of griefers because it's just a video game

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And I meant to reply to you Strategos:

Your idea, no offense intended, just would seem to bring in an annoyance factor. Versus being shut-off from ALL server for X amount of time, being shut from just one/a-few would be just plain annoying. It would be just a nuisance.

Also, please don't get stuck on my "8 hour" comment: It was, after all, a comment. I went on to say it could be any amount of time. Heck, even 10 minutes seems good (though kind of short in my opinion). And don't get stuck on it being implemented in Alpha: I myself would say it would not be good for alhpa, for all the a fore mentioned reason: Need more testing.

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Rocket said at E3 that they're currently working on making Dayz a stand alone' date=' retail game. Much like what happened with Portal and Counterstrike. Don't believe me, they had a whole report on it over at gametrailers.


But again, that is a BUSINESS model for a RETAIL game. This is a MOD for a game, and other then being contracted by Bohemia Interactive and Bohemia reaping the spoils through Steam/Online sales, Rocket does not make any money on this MOD. Do you see even a donate button anywhere? I sure don't.

Right, it's a mod right now. That apperently isn't the final goal. It's a mod just while they're working on it in the alpha/beta stages. Eventually it's not going to be a mod anymore. Supposedly. They didn't pull him off the arma 2 staff and give him his own team to work on something that isn't going to generate them money.

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The main problem with the OP's idea is that no matter how immersive or realistic you're trying to make the game' date=' in the end it's still a video game.


A mentioned before, DayZ is actually anti-game.

Right' date=' it's a mod right now. That apperently isn't the final goal. It's a mod just while they're working on it int he alpha/beta stages. Eventually it's not going to be a mod anymore. Supposedly.


And it being a mod, and perhaps forever staying a mod with similarly named retail forms, it's the perfect time to test things not done in other games.

I don't think I've ever played a game where I had to WAIT to play it again outside of lag/servers down/comp issues. And think about those times when a game WAS lagged/servers downed/etc and you really liked that game: You did everything, including throwing your money at the monitor, to get it to work again.

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And it being a mod' date=' and perhaps forever staying a mod with similarly named retail forms, it's the perfect time to test things not done in other games.


I don't think they need to test out the idea of players not being able to play the game. And I doubt it will forever stay a mod considering they pulled Rocket off the arma 2 team and now have a Dayz team. They aren't going to make a separate team of employees of an entity that isn't going to be eventually generating revenue.

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Heres an idea. If you want the game to lock people out for X amount of time (be it 10 minutes, or an hour +) and you think this will make the game more "realistic" or immersive, then great. Every time YOU die log out of the game and start a stopwatch. Once your 8 hours, or hour, or whatever goes by then you can log back on.

This way you have your enjoyment of not playing the game, while I can still have my enjoyment of actually playing the game. Everyone comes out a winner and no one has the other persons viewpoint forced on them. Problem solved.

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HELL NO. to many pricks playing this game as a run and gun game and not a survival game.

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While I agree that something needs to be done to make death more meaningful and frustrating for the player, I really don't this idea is the right way to go. The cons far outweigh the pros.

Instead, they should simply look towards making the game tougher, so when you do die and lose all your stuff, you care more because it's not so easy to get it all back.

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Yes please add this, so I can camp and kill all those people who thinks this is a good idéa, and eventually lock em out of the game! :D

If this gets added, I see even more reason to shot someone.

One thing is troll killing someone who just repspawn, but imagine trollkilling someone who has to wait 8 fucking hours?! FUCK YES, DIE BITCHES, NEVER COME BACK!!!!

If someone didn't catch my drift, that was very sarcastic, but also what i was going to do if 8 hours was added, I would be so paranoid I would shot the shit out of everyone I saw.

No way in hell would I EVER take the chance that they could be friendly if I had to wait 8 hours if they turned out not to be.

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I seen some ideas, but that has to be the worst. Imagine the situation were you log on for the first time in the day and as soon as you spawn in you get shot by someone that was already near by. Oh well just have to wait another 8 hours before I can play again *logs out* seriously WTF idea is this lmfao. Imagine the server popluation... at the start of the day 20,000 players online.... *1 hour later* 500 online... What is this the hunger games or something

Even better a player breaks his legs and bleeds out. Has to wait 8 hours XD XD XD XD

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Simply said: You die. Now' date=' you have to wait 8 hours before you can play the game again.


Terrible idea. Do you really need to discuss why locking players out of your game for 30 minutes to 8 hours is a bad idea?

Why not just say have a true 'eternal death'? When you die, you are dead...no more DayZ.

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