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Died from a tree

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Date/Time: 15.25 GMT+2

What happened: I logged in, proned between two trees and then suddenly my char started spazzing into one of the trees for a few secs before POFF, I'm dead. Lost all my gear including FN FAL Nightvision with 4-5 mags, DMR with 2 mags, glock17 2 mags, some bandages, 2 filled waterbottles, 8 raw meat, Alice pack etc etc. Guess I'll never see these again huh?

Where you were: The forestline just north/northwest of the NE Airfield

What you were doing: Crawling by a tree with DMR equiped.

*Current installed version: betapatch 93825

*Server(s) you were on: Chicago 50

*Your system specs: ATI 4870x2 (1gb each), 8g ram, AMD Phenom II x4 940 processor, vista 64

*Timeline of events before/after error: Had just logged in on the server, crawled one meter and then i died.

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