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New changes are driving people away

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This game and all the recent changes in attempt to make it more realistic are driving people away. This game is failing so quickly due to the actions of a few basement dwelling individuals, I doubt exposed breast zombies could save it.

A hatchet is different from an axe, and should be carried in your pack in 1 slot... (If you want me to go outside and get my real hatchet from the shed to show you I can slip it inside my belt or in a pocket I will show you basement dwellers what size it is. )

You should start with a firearm, all of the military is dead which would be an amazing surplus of ammunition and arms. Also this area is a farming area and there would be a ton of hunting firearms be it shotguns or center fire rifles from farmers who use those weapons to gather game.

Put back the skins for bandits... THIS IS A GAME... I know.. shocker basement dwellers. There are no facial expressions to tell someones intent. The heart beat doesn't work properly, and you should be able to tell from a distance if someones trying to do you harm.

If you MUST have these horrible worthless changes to the game... then put them in the hardcore only servers. Repeal the changes for the rest of us.

I got 4 people to play this game who never previously owned Arma2. All of them have quit because of the updates. Rocket and the folks responsible for the changes are making this horrible for new folks. Now... fan boys*.. rage away im not checking the thread for the following insults so dont waste your breath. Also.. go see the world... there is other things besides your computer in life.

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A hatchet is different from an axe' date=' and should be carried in your pack in 1 slot... (If you want me to go outside and get my real hatchet from the shed to show you I can slip it inside my belt or in a pocket I will show you basement dwellers what size it is. )[/quote']

This is entirely true.

You should start with a firearm' date=' all of the military is dead which would be an amazing surplus of ammunition and arms. Also this area is a farming area and there would be a ton of hunting firearms be it shotguns or center fire rifles from farmers who use those weapons to gather game.[/quote']

If our guy has made it to the shore from inland before we start, he probably grabbed a gun. Again, entirely true.

Put back the skins for bandits... THIS IS A GAME... I know.. shocker basement dwellers. There are no facial expressions to tell someones intent. The heart beat doesn't work properly' date=' and you should be able to tell from a distance if someones trying to do you harm.[/quote']

I have shot too many people due to communication and trust issues. A survivor/bandit litmus test would be good. The progression to being a bandit should be more gradual IMO.

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They want to leave, good. This is a free mod, and they can come back later when the game hits beta or release if they want.

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This game and all the recent changes in attempt to make it more realistic are driving people away. This game is failing so quickly due to the actions of a few basement dwelling individuals' date=' I doubt exposed breast zombies could save it.

A hatchet is different from an axe, and should be carried in your pack in 1 slot... (If you want me to go outside and get my real hatchet from the shed to show you I can slip it inside my belt or in a pocket I will show you basement dwellers what size it is. )

You should start with a firearm, all of the military is dead which would be an amazing surplus of ammunition and arms. Also this area is a farming area and there would be a ton of hunting firearms be it shotguns or center fire rifles from farmers who use those weapons to gather game.

Put back the skins for bandits... THIS IS A GAME... I know.. shocker basement dwellers. There are no facial expressions to tell someones intent. The heart beat doesn't work properly, and you should be able to tell from a distance if someones trying to do you harm.

If you MUST have these horrible worthless changes to the game... then put them in the hardcore only servers. Repeal the changes for the rest of us.

I got 4 people to play this game who never previously owned Arma2. All of them have quit because of the updates. Rocket and the folks responsible for the changes are making this horrible for new folks. Now... fan boys*.. rage away im not checking the thread for the following insults so dont waste your breath. Also.. go see the world... there is other things besides your computer in life.


I bought the game specifically because I expected to get realism and was hoping for increasing realism. I wasnt disappointed

Im sure there are varying degrees of sizes for hatchets

There really should be more difference in gameplay between server-difficulties, but you realize this could mean that tomorrow there are 99% hardcore servers.

I couldnt read your post without beeing insulted and it strikes me that you are of weak will. Thus you probably WILL read our insults you care bearish loser. I fart in your general direction.

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This is Alpha and there is going to be a good deal of testing different mechanics. Some mechanics will stay, there's replayed or be tweaked.

You will never find the mechanic that will improve the game experience without Experimenting.

As an artist- I will never discover the best design for a logo without doing 100s of thumb nail sketches, only by playing with ideas can you are the pattern and discover new ideas and methods.

Just enjoy the game :)

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Not Constructive. "Let's Go back to the way it was before." is not useful advice. Useful advice is stating the exact things about the game you find difficult, why and what you suggest as a counter-balance.

Moar Guns. Less Zombiez. Less Harder. I don't think thats the game DayZ should be, nor the one it was intended to be. But what do I know, im just an alpha tester ;)

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This game and all the recent changes in attempt to make it more realistic are driving people away. This game is failing so quickly due to the actions of a few basement dwelling individuals' date=' I doubt exposed breast zombies could save it.

A hatchet is different from an axe, and should be carried in your pack in 1 slot... (If you want me to go outside and get my real hatchet from the shed to show you I can slip it inside my belt or in a pocket I will show you basement dwellers what size it is. )

You should start with a firearm, all of the military is dead which would be an amazing surplus of ammunition and arms. Also this area is a farming area and there would be a ton of hunting firearms be it shotguns or center fire rifles from farmers who use those weapons to gather game.

Put back the skins for bandits... THIS IS A GAME... I know.. shocker basement dwellers. There are no facial expressions to tell someones intent. The heart beat doesn't work properly, and you should be able to tell from a distance if someones trying to do you harm.

If you MUST have these horrible worthless changes to the game... then put them in the hardcore only servers. Repeal the changes for the rest of us.

I got 4 people to play this game who never previously owned Arma2. All of them have quit because of the updates. Rocket and the folks responsible for the changes are making this horrible for new folks. Now... fan boys*.. rage away im not checking the thread for the following insults so dont waste your breath. Also.. go see the world... there is other things besides your computer in life.


Insulting right away, why bother to post?

You have no concept of what's being done, so just leave.

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Alpha' date=' Deal with it.


Yep this is it really, as is often then answer to these type of posts.

However I believe Rocket's design vision for DayZ is as a survival game which doesn't pander to common "game" paradigms and mechanics, but gives a brutal and intense experience.. At least I hope that is the case.

My point being this isn't a casual game and you're going to have to be willing to be challenged when you play it.

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I got 4 people to play this game who never previously owned Arma2. All of them have quit because of the updates. Rocket and the folks responsible for the changes are making this horrible for new folks. Now... fan boys*.. rage away im not checking the thread for the following insults so dont waste your breath. Also.. go see the world... there is other things besides your computer in life.

To be fair, you should've told them what to expect from this mod and its constantly shifting quality. Their lack of previous Arma 2 gameplay familiarity also probably didn't help matters.

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