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[FoD] Founders of Destruction [DayZ Clan] [TS3]

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Founders of Destruction


About the clan:

We are a DayZ clan that usually sticks to only a few servers and dominates on them. Our current name is FoD which means Founders of Destruction. We might change our name to SBD which means Silent But Deadly. We are looking for anyone to join the clan as long as you are not terrible.


Who and what we are looking for:

We are looking for respectful players, meaning if you get killed we don't want you to completely rage in the chat or in the Teamspeak. We are looking for trustful players who will always be honest. We don't care if you're new to DayZ as long as you can be loyal and not a complete dumbass.



A knowledge of the map of Chernarus, where to find different supples, and you also must know what buildings are called what.

Must be mature, no complaining, constantly talking, crying, freaking out, etc...





In-game name:

Why you want to join:

Timezone, how much you are on, and when you are usually on:

Reply to the thread or PM me the application, if you are accepted you will be PMed the teamspeak server IP.


Any other questions just ask me (:



Leader: Proshot






Infinite Slots left! (: (;

Edited by Proshot
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In-game name:EDDIE

Why you want to join:I'm tired of playing solo and I am up for a challenge with a team I will try my hardest to join whether it means one thing or another.

Timezone, how much you are on, and when you are usually on:GMT -6:00 And I usually play all the time depending on my schedule.

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In-game name: SirDoctor

Why you want to join: Bored of playing alone. I'd like a new experience and to work in a team environment.

Timezone, how much you are on, and when you are usually on: UTC+12:00 and I play almost every day in the evenings after 6 mostly.

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Alright guys I'll PM you when I'm on tomorrow it's 4:10 AM here atm.

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In-game name: Hunter_Killer

Why you want to join: I've been playing Dayz for a long while, though I have just decided to re-install it but whenever I play I dont die specifically fast its just that I end up stuck, to weak to enter a city safely and weapons too weak to murder plays, I have only tried bandit work so far so it would be nice to play a 'hero' :).

Timezone, how much you are on, and when you are usually on: GMT (now summer holidays so for the next month online almost everyday.)

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In-game name: DeeRanged

Why you want to join: I'm tired of the lone wolf playstyle, I would really like some structure.

Timezone, how much you are on, and when you are usually on: Eastern, Every day all day.

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