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"The North Expansion" and South?

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Heard talk about the "North expansion" in the Dev blog that was released recently, and had some ideas and thoughts, feel free to add and discuss with me :) 



North Expansion:

hmm talking about "North Expansion" all the way north it should add some sort of "End game" like if the new north part is (Namalsk) with hills, snow, cold and more aggresive "infected" like the well know Bloodsucker. because you have already talked about Utes down in the south somewhere so, what if you add more input of other maps in to the newly changed Chernarus.


using new clothing and heat packs to climb mountains up north to search for "end Game loot and items" maybe using special snow gear for travel, like skii, climbing with picks, warm cars not bikes.:D


back story for good gear and stuff in the north is simple, snow and cold makes it harder and has special "Infected" such as the well know bloodsucker and maybe some bigger zeds.



South Expansion:

this idea can also help developing a more south part, like a desert wich traveling through is hard, makes you thirsty and zombies are faster ( because you lose stamina faster while they almost got unlimited) + easy to get spotted in the desert and cars, bikes and other drivable stuff can have the advantage of beeing faster and not suffering from the heat that much.


General stuff:


New rail roads going in lands, rivers going in lands, maybe making train "events" wich will be able to high-jack and loot and maybe drive.

more rivers will be good, seeing there will be more bridges to make ambushes for both land and sea. (+1 Gameplay)


My ideas about the new expansion of Chernarus.. have any? please do comment :D

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Chernarus is a real place.

As is Utes, I might expect to see oil rigs and marooned ships, other than that... Not a lot.

Sounds like Ivan wants snowy peaks to the North.

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Chernarus is a real place.

As is Utes, I might expect to see oil rigs and marooned ships, other than that... Not a lot.

Sounds like Ivan wants snowy peaks to the North.

First of all, chernarus ( or at the least not map accurate) is not real. the map you find in game is based on a place in the Czech Republic.

I think expanding on the "semi fake" current chernarus would be an amazing idea! Definitely a Namalsk type zone up north, and a sothern Utes/Takistan zone accessible by air vehicles or perhaps a new kind of big boat/ship.

As someone said some end game loot would be in the Northern Territory, with maybe more of a focus on vehicles like jets/helicopters/aircraft carrier?/and Hum-Vees down south. Maybe farther to the east could be a big ass island like Madagascar. This island could be an NPC outpost/base like in Origins mod. More endgame loot possibly???

(P.S bring the Gauss gun back in the desert map?!?). (P.P.S A but load of oil rigs please)

Edited by Legoroxby

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I believe the Arma version and the DayZ version of Chernarus should be kept separate for some more authenticity.


Arma Version: Kept the same as Arma 2 and 3.


DayZ Version: More apocalyptic with zombie inhabitants, decaying buildings and such.




I believe the Northern locations in DayZ should have some abandoned survivor camps that were previously used with the possibilities of these former "survivors" turned into zombies which could hold up some type of note that clarifies their progress with their survival before death took place upon them. The northern areas is the first instinct for most people to go to avoid some type of infestation along with going up on high mountainous regions in this geographical location.


Even though it's accounted for being a fiction/non-fiction location that I don't know about, it doesn't change anything.


The Southern locations seem to be fine to me even though there should be more shopping outlets since it's near an ocean. Many shopping outlets are nearby the ocean for the former residents of that area to enjoy the view of the water.


What the main concern be is the forest locations being the least explored in the central area of the map

Edited by TIC321

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First of all, chernarus ( or at the least not map accurate) is not real. the map you find in game is based on a place in the Czech Republic.

I think expanding on the "semi fake" current chernarus would be an amazing idea! Definitely a Namalsk type zone up north, and a sothern Utes/Takistan zone accessible by air vehicles or perhaps a new kind of big boat/ship.

As someone said some end game loot would be in the Northern Territory, with maybe more of a focus on vehicles like jets/helicopters/aircraft carrier?/and Hum-Vees down south. Maybe farther to the east could be a big ass island like Madagascar. This island could be an NPC outpost/base like in Origins mod. More endgame loot possibly???

(P.S bring the Gauss gun back in the desert map?!?). (P.P.S A but load of oil rigs please)

There are a lot of similarities between the ingame version of Chenarus, and the "real place"

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If we are Incorporating other maps into this we definitely need that BIG FUCKING BRIDGE from Taviana. Also considering that there are a lot of railway tracks throughout that map we should add more railways to expand. So they could be an alternative trail to taking roads. Hell maybe a spooky tunnel that echos when stuff goes though.

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If we are Incorporating other maps into this we definitely need that BIG FUCKING BRIDGE from Taviana. Also considering that there are a lot of railway tracks throughout that map we should add more railways to expand. So they could be an alternative trail to taking roads. Hell maybe a spooky tunnel that echos when stuff goes though.


I'd prefer to drive to those locations personally.. ;)

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Also considering that there are a lot of railway tracks throughout that map we should add more railways to expand. So they could be an alternative trail to taking roads.

I really want trains to be implemented so bad, almost as much as the map expansion. Like in arma wasteland I would mount a but load of mounted M2 machine guns and grenade launchers. :)

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