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Join the Inglourious Basterd Revolution!

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New Server OPEN!




PORT: 3425
No 24/7 Daylight, No impossible to kill players and no admin interference!
We offer you the best experience you can possibly have and enjoy the gameplay.
What we have to offer:
Admin help - all questions will be answered the best we can possibly answer them, as long as it has to do with the server.
500+ Vehicles incl. 25 Heli's, 8 Planes, and PBX's.


No admin abuse - The admin will be playing the game just as a normal player, no spawned in weapons, no teleporting players, just a normal player joining the ranks with you guys!


Fight for base - Every week, usually Saturdays at 6:30 European time, the admin will mark a base on the map where all the players searching for a base will fight over until there is one player left.WARNING: any weapons or loot lost in the firefight will not be replaced.




RULES( Breaking these rules will result into a kick, further aggression will then result into a ban):
1.) No spamming voice/side chat. Doing so will result into a kick, further aggression will then result into a ban.
2.) No giving abuse over side chat.
3.) No cheating or spawning customized weapons or vehicles.
4.) Permitted to only 8 vehicles per person.
5.) Don't ask for free perks, please check out the perks section below.
Admin Rules( If the admin breaks any of these rules, he shall purposely sacrifice himself and mark the location of his base on the map):
1.) Not permitted to ban player for killing yourself or clan members.
2.) Not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.
3.) Not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.
4.) Not permitted to kick or ban for rubbish talk.
5.) Not permitted to ban for suspicions of hacking, solid evidence is needed.
Added Features:
250 More buildings added, not permitted to give away location of them
Upgraded Elektro and Cherno e.g. added buildings, increased loot.
15 More vehicles added after update on 07/04/2013
Latency(lag) has been decreased by 20%
Heli Lifts from the admin!
Please check out our server, we will be very thankful and much more things to come!

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Is that the ip u need to type into dayzcommander ?

I will join the server with a friend

Thank u already

Edited by Arnoldomg

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