Vicco 123 Posted August 3, 2013 Me and my partner were in Cherno on the same lightly populated vanilla server we always play on now.Just me and him.We check the south hospital, run around a little to the tents across the street and back to the hospital, to get a loot spawn, and score an anti-biotic and a couple blood bags.First anti-biotic we found in maybe 30 hours of game play, and the first in a hospital. Run back across to the tents, and find 2 anti-biotics spawned there in the closest big tent. Banner day. Reach the last small tent, and there's not one, not two, but THREE DMR's on the floor.We'd only found one in the same 30 hours.He was carrying an axe, and I had an M9SD. I told him I'd keep my Winchester, because it's my favorite for killing zeds.But I still had no ammo for it. He said, "Cover me, and I'll get 2 DMR's." He had to shuffle out some stuff from his backpack to fit the second one.A couple zeds walk in, and I get the first one, but the second one got close to him as I reloaded.He starts blasting it with the DMR he picked up. I swear, within 5 seconds there's 20 zeds coming in the door. He blasts a couple with the DMR, runs out of ammo, tries to take out his axe, and starts cussing as he gets knocked down.My M9SD runs out of the 3 mags I had, and I get knocked down. We're both bleeding heavily and infected. Could hardly see the doorway for all the zeds in that small tent with us.He got out by cussing a lot, and ran back to the hospital, shouting "Fuck, I'm dead. Fuck, I'm dead."I keep dancing, making breaks for the doorway. Think I was civil, just saying "Shit!" when I'd get knocked down.I was mostly wondering where I'd respawn, to be honest.Saw a space of light and went for it, got knocked down in the doorway, then up and clear, ran to the hospital. We bandaged, took antis and blood bagged each other. Don't know how we survived that. Both empty of blood and infected. But neither of us ever passed out.He was dazed, and said "We got to go back and get them DMR's. I didn't get any."I told him he had one on his back, and an empty G17 in his hand.I slapped his face, and said "Snap out of it soldier!" He was wearing camo. That's why I said that.He regained his composure, and we axed the zeds by the hospital, and snuck back to the tent.One of the DMR's had despawned, but we got the second one. So there's a big element of randomness in anti-biotic and DMR spawns. Looks like passing out is random too.But probably nothing random about what happens when you blast away with a DMR in Cherno.Nothing new there really, but an example how things can come together in one small place.And how you should never give up even when it looks REAL bad. Unless you're infected and have no antis.Then you should just commit suicide IMO.Anyway, there are 8 million stories in DayZ. This was one of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WargameKlok 166 Posted August 4, 2013 Good story. Same thing happened to me once. Waitin for a buddy in that church in the middle of the map. No hospital around there tho. It went poorly for us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites