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AddMagazineCargo Count Restriction

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what exactly does this mean

AddMagazineCargo Count Restriction

and how can we get rid of it?


it happens on our dayz epoch server everytime we open our safe

we also tried to run the server now with an empty AddMagazineCargo.txt file... doesnt help either...


i know how to get rid of script restrictions of every kind... but this count restriction gets me mad...





alright... i got a hint on opendayz forum


it can be set in the beserver.cfg

RConPassword xxxxxxxxMaxPing 350MaxSetPosPerInterval 200 1MaxSetDamagePerInterval 8 5MaxAddBackpackCargoPerInterval 4 1MaxAddMagazineCargoPerInterval 96 1MaxAddWeaponCargoPerInterval 24 1MaxDeleteVehiclePerInterval 30 1MaxAttachToPerInterval 3 1

i added these lines in my beserver.cfg and changed MaxAddMagazineCargoPerInterval to 512 1 and im fine for the moment...

Edited by Gagi2

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