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The Little Bird

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alright, so I've piloted the huey just fine in DayZ but uh, how on earth do you fly and land a little bird? It just doesn't seem to cooperate and whenever I land, I always break a few parts. (Sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forum, but it DOES pertain to newbie pilots, haha)

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My advice is simply Practice mate,....Go to a huge flat open field and practice over and over. IF needs be use the Auto-Hover fucntion until you have it down pat. SOme folks regard using the Auto feature as a bit pussy But it will save you reacking it while you get the hantg of the weight and agility of the little chopper.. Good luck 

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Practice makes perfect. 


Use the Arma 2 editor to get some. 


For me the LB is by far my favorite helo, because of its maneuverability. 

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But OP, go in the editor and practice. Keep your movements slow and smooth, don't jerk it.


Give the helo down collective, while slightly pulling up (I find this works best from lower altitudes.). This will allow you go slow down, and lower your altitude at once. I used to fly in ACE, so I'm very comfortable landing without auto-hover. If in the beginning you need it, by all means use it. But don't make a habit out of it. The whole idea of hitting autohover and just holding "Z" will get you killed many times. You need to learn to come in quick, low, fast, and be able to touchdown fast.


Don't get frustrated, just keep at it in the editor. When I wanted to fly in ACE, I went into the editor (I did it on Takistan, but you can easily do it on Chenarus), mark a random spot on the map, and pretend it's an exctraction. I liked this because I never scoped out the area, so I had to learn to adapt to new locations, conditions, etc. Once you get the hang of landing/taking off smooth and fast, pop down a few enemy riflemen so you have to learn how to dodge fire.


If you have any questions feel free to PM me and I'll help as best as I can.


Oh, and here's a video for inspiration (the pilot is Jordan, he's a few posts up):



EDIT: Notice in the video how all his movements are smooth and clean, he doesn't jerk at all. If you use a mouse and keyboard (like me, and the pilot in the video) your mouse is EXTREMELY useful when it comes to landing, and just smooth movements in general.

Edited by Statik
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. Keep your movements slow and smooth, don't jerk it.



EDIT: Notice in the video how all his movements are smooth and clean, he doesn't jerk at all. 


me-gusta-mucho-creepy.png Indeed.

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If you do need help, feel free to contact me or Statik as he said above, he is just as skilled with the LB as I.


If you want, I could even set up a server to help you get the hang of things, Im sure Statik would not mind helping out also. 

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omg you guys are great!! thanks. Ive been trying to fly around in the editor, but whenever i press 'a' or 's', the helicopter just does a nose dive or a backflip straight into the ground. (This is obviously a sign that I shouldn't fly at all, haha)

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