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WTF Is... : DayZ ? (Hyper WTF Edition feat. rocket)

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Some very interesting snippets there, especially about the direction of the mod.

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Ok leaving office now kthnxbi

Haha ..you only want to see the part "Tell my children I really love them much"....

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its business, its business tiiiiime! :)

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Rocket would say Hid not head :)

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he's such a hacker chheeeter. ;)

CZ,shotty and winnie in one barn. I usually get empty cans :)

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for thoses not aware of total biscuit' date=' hes a youtuber who does game reviews, play throughs and generally talking about games! good channel! and he has an exclusive interview with one Mr Dean "Rocket" Hall, enjoy!


just wanted to add that TB does NOT do reviews he does "WTF is" and that is far away from a proper review (his own words) and he goes mental when people compare it to reviews :rolleyes:

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Well there goes hoping he sounded like robbaz...oh well.

That would be epic...:)

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I really think this should become a thing, like everytime a patch is coming or maybe just every so often if rocket could make like a 5-10 minute video about his reasoning behing patches fixes and additions and tell us about the direction the mod is going, he has stated that he gets alot of inspiration from us and i would like to also have him communicate back what he's thinking.

This is mostly because of how he explained the change to starting equipment i.e no gun on start. i just wish i had of heard his full motives rather than: no gun for you lololol. in the patch notes

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Yeah... I was starting to doubt the Mods future myself... just a little mind you. After seeing that video my confidence in Rocket has been restored to above what it was before. More videos like this one would be nice.

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He's pretty busy as it is, making hotfixes all the time, if he made a video for every single hotfix it would take much time from his hands.

Maybe after every major update would be a considerable thing.

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He has had hotfixes almost everyday in the past week. He's working his ass off, and I doubt he has time to do it. Maybe once every few weeks he can give a community update? I don't care either way, but I did enjoy the interview.

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DayZ is his day job. BIS has him doing this project directly. Plus the mod is only a few months old

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This is a reasonable idea however, what people don't seem to grasp is that to create a 10 min video that is of a reasonable quality will take over an hour or such.

Now to do that takes more time from development, in the long run when we only do one update every couple of weeks maybe this could be an option however at the current time I don't think this is viable.

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Eh I think it's just a test. Let's see what works, what does not work and what is broken about it. What the player like / dislike/

Then :

The player base blows up the forums


Things are adjusted with a patch or hotfix


The new feature / patch is released and the process starts again.

End result:

Several months down the road the game is finished and the product is well tested.

This is why I gave up an trying to "play" the game and now I just look for broken stuff.

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I love Rockets accent so much! I'm gonna move to australia one day just to acquire an australian accent.

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Yeah.. TB has the social skills of a decorative autumn squash, so his interviews are pretty awkward. At least rocket presented some decent information.

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