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Dutch player looking for survivors

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I'm an 18 year old player from the Netherlands and I'm looking for a few teammates to play this game/mod with (need to be from NL/BE). I'm looking for a group with a total of 3/4/5 players, don't wanna join a clan. I will be able to play the whole day the coming months :D. 


Decent player, I know what I'm doing (most of the time... :D). 


And of course, I know how to use a mic, skype, TS3, etc.


If you need more information or want my contact details just send me a message :D thank you very much.


Oh by the way I don't really care about the maps and/or modes. I know my way around Lingor and Panthera Island (<3) and a little bit of Chernarus. Willing to try new things... Hehe ^^

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