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New/Old player up for advice

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Hi All,

I Have been off the gaming scene for a few years now as TBH nothing had much interests after starting out in the days of Doom and Quake 1/2/3 UT Counter strike ect ect.. then while on You tube i stumbled on a Dayz vid.. WoW.. at last something interesting..  so just downloaded the arma 2 package then dayz mod all through steam.. and i am in.. i realize after a while away and joining an online community that has been going a few years and i am in at the deep end and lots to learn... I Joined my first Server after a few attempts.. it took me a while to realize the button can be yellow as most appear to be yellow or password protected.. my first 3 hours on a server last night ended up in me finding nothing in the many houses i sneaked around.. possibly servers vary there was only me and one other player and we never met having not played Arma2 or any of the addons apart from Dayz the inventory was a bit iffy until a you tube tut... any advice on good servers or groups appreciated... i am a mature gamer and love the idea of the survival angle i use skype  id sesthedude3 happy to team up anytime.. any contact/advice appreciated...

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Well hello there and welcome to the dayz community.


Finding a good server with people you enjoy playing with can be hard, or finding mature players is sometimes a challenge itself. 

the dayz servers are divided by either private hives or official hives.


Official hive means the server cannot be altered to the owners wishes, the owner of an official hive simply pays the bills and watches the server for hackers etca.. An official hive is always on the map called chernarus wich is the official dayz map. you can sort out hives by using a tool called DayZcommander

I strongly advice you to download it. It will help you alot in finding servers you can call home :)


Private hives means that the owner can do almost anything he wants in the server, jetplanes, tanks, scripts of all kinds. And the maps are almost unlimited for a new player, i suggest you start out on a fairly vanilla private chernarus server. you will probably get many suggestions on these boards wich one to choose. Or you will eventually find one you like.


It wont always be like you have thought of playing dayZ, the survival gets easyer and the player confrontations less frequent when you stop trusting people. But accept the fact that there are many many players who have involved themselves in dayz something like 2 millions and they all cant be looking for the same satisfaction in a game.


Good luck on your journeys sir!

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Cheers Stan your the man.. ile download now.. hope to bump into you in game one day.. you never know !  is there a preference of voice chat ? and i like the sound of vanilla servers after spending 3 hours in the pitch black with the gamma up and no so much as a can of beans in all the towns.. i also realized just how blind zombies are in the dark.... he he

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Voice Chat has different options. The best way to talk in DayZ is Direct Communication, so only players nearby can hear you (range of 0m- 75m I think). Some servers have Side chat enabled, most servers usually don't like people using voice chat on side channel so just use text chat instead of voice. If a server has a Teamspeak 3 server (or ventrillo etc.), feel free to join if you're allowed to.

I hope this answers your voice chat question.

By the way, DayZ Commander should have an in-game clock by server names so you can check weather if you want to play day/night.

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Cheers Stan your the man.. ile download now.. hope to bump into you in game one day.. you never know !  is there a preference of voice chat ? and i like the sound of vanilla servers after spending 3 hours in the pitch black with the gamma up and no so much as a can of beans in all the towns.. i also realized just how blind zombies are in the dark.... he he

When i started fresh i didnt know i could turn up the gamma :)

crawling around in middle of elektro scared of the zombies making all kinds of creepy sounds,  guy with NVGS finds me asking why the hell im crawling around. I scratch my head trying to find out how the hell i can communicate with him. ends up in silence with me crawling away :)


Using direct communication i think has an audible range of about 150m around you, its great fun to meet friendly guys.


had a group of 5 random people yesterday in dayzero, 3 of them died including me, 1 disconnected, 1 may still be alive! :)

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Hey sesthdude

Welcome and beware...I've developed quite an addition to DayZ.

Not sure what your looting style is like but if your running either in  crouch or standing up you may be moving too fast for loot to spawn. It was a mistake I made early in the game, on some servers you need to take it slow and even make a few laps around choice loot sights in order to allow the loot to spawn. 


Bueno suerte/good luck

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