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New DayZ Overwatch clan!

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Hello guys, my name is Zumie and I am starting a new clan called Kilo Company, or [KC]. We only have 2 people so far in this clan. But we are looking for people, so if you wanna join just fill out the clan app down below↓ and this will get you one step closer to becoming a member of [KC]. Thanks, and as always have a nice day!  B) 




1: Tell us a little about you're self?

2: What day's can you usually play on?

3: How long are you on for?

4: Do you have a working mic?

5: Do you have Skype,Teamspeak, Vent, or Mumble?

6: What gun do you use most in DayZ.?

7: Will you be loyal to the clan, and respect member's leader's ect?

8: Skill level at DayZ 1-10?










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1: Tell us a little about you're self? You know me ZUMIE...


2: What day's can you usually play on? I can play DayZ every day of the week.


3: How long are you on for? 3-5 hours.


4: Do you have a working mic? Yes.


5: Do you have Skype,Teamspeak, Vent, or Mumble? Skype and TeamSpeak


6: What gun do you use most in DayZ.? I mostly use the M4a3 CCO SD on normal DAYZ


7: Will you be loyal to the clan, and respect member's leader's ect? Yes i will respect all member's and Staff/Leaders.


8: Skill level at DayZ 1-10? I know just about every thing there is to know about DayZ and i canhandle myself pretty good in pvp so id say 8/10

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1: Tell us a little about you're self? My name is Adrian I enjoy playing dayz

2: What day's can you usually play on? All week but not weekends

3: How long are you on for? 5 or mor hours

4: Do you have a working mic? Yes

5: Do you have Skype,Teamspeak, Vent, or Mumble? Skype, team speak

6: What gun do you use most in DayZ.? Ak74

7: Will you be loyal to the clan, and respect member's leader's ect? Yes

8: Skill level at DayZ 1-10? 4

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1: Tell us a little about you're self? The names Ryan, I'm 24 years old from the UK, in love with FPS


2: What day's can you usually play on? Any day at some point (depending on working hours)


3: How long are you on for? 1-4 hours


4: Do you have a working mic? I sure do, My friends have said its extremely clear to hear from for a cheap skype mic :)


5: Do you have Skype,Teamspeak, Vent, or Mumble? Skype, can get any of the others.


6: What gun do you use most in DayZ.? I love semi automatic guns, M14 aim / m14 / m24 / FN fal


7: Will you be loyal to the clan, and respect member's leader's ect? You mean back stabbing and thieving from the clan? Why would I do that, I have nothing to game from server side only pixels lol


8: Skill level at DayZ 1-10? 7-9 depending on frames and lag

Edited by Grunt89

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