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DayZ: Stuttering/FPS Drops

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Hello guys,


when I started to play DayZ (Summer 2012) I never had any FPS problems. It was running pretty smooth with >50FPS in cities and outside also.


So we've started to play DayZ again but now i have a very annoying stuttering/fps drops every few seconds, I made a video so you can see what I mean:




So, I did everything (almost) what I could find on Google, ill tell u what ive did so far:

- Reinstalled drivers, older ones and newer

- reinstalled arma, dayz, dayzcommander and everything what has to do with it

- reinstalled windows 7

- changed ingame graphics and settings in nvidia controlcenter

- installed ramdisk 

- activated turbo CPU and other stuff in my BIOS, deactivated AMD CoolnQuiet (so its always on highest clock)

- compabilitymode, administratormode 

- cfg tweaks


my system:


amd x6 1055T

msi 870-g54

8GiG of Ram (Crucial)

Crucial RealSSD 64GB

Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB



Every other game is running smooth, Arma2/arma2OA in multiplayer with 50 ppl also, but as you can see I only have this problem with DayZ. I paid 20€ (even it was last year) and im kinda angry now, since it worked back then and now it doesn't...


Dayz commanders tells me that the newest beta patch is 107xxx(something) but the newest on the arma 2 site is 108xxx(something) - i installed 10 beta patches but none helped.


hopefully someone can help me out


best regards


Edited by rayza62

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why would you need ramdisk while you got an SSD ?

too much tinkering around causes some other crap out of nowhere and issues on performance.


Check two things: use something like msi-afterburner to monitor your CPU while ingame. something is eating up your cpu in background -OR-

game is not utilizing your cpu (put game to 'high priority' while in game, press ctrl+alt+del and set arma2oa.exe to high priority)

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I'll try the option with the priority and the CPU, thanks.

As far as I know ArmA2 doesn't use the whole GPU power, so I dont need to check it, right? Its like not even 50% for me (checked with MSI Afterburner)

ArmA2/DayZ is installed on the HDD, I never install any games on my SSD..so I tested it with Ramdisk, after it did not work I installed it on SSD, which worked neither :P



I guess I found the problem.. my CPU goes from 2.8GHz to 800MHz when the FPS drops happen. I deactivated Amd cool n quiet in my BIOS but it still wont work, any idea?



its constant on 2.8GHz now, I have also over 50fps but now it drops vom 50 to 20-30 and its very annoying if it lags... before it was from 30 to 5.. more fps but same problem

Edited by rayza62

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I do not know what your problem is.  Here are some things you can try:

Check out your resource monitor to see if any cores are being parked.

If they are, unpark them with an unparking utility.  

Disable C1e, speedstep, C-States in bios, to see if any of that helps.

It looks like your processor has 6 physical cores.  Arma 2 only will take advantage of 4 I believe.

Try using these parameters: -nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7 -high

Do not run a sensor program such as cpu-z, gpu-z, core temp while playing DayZ or you may get some stutter.

Best of luck


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