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SAS Timbitz

Special Air Service - Recruiting 17+ With New Origins Server as of August 12th

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Please join the Teamspeak for easy access. Primetimes 12pm-2am UK time or go to our website



Hello everyone. I am the Co- Founder of the clan SAS short for Special Air Service. We are currently Recruiting members  to be apart of the SAS clan and to grow our community. We have a TeamSpeak 3 we use for communications. Our Teamspeak 3 is To be a member you must register and fill out an application on our site at http://sasclangaming.com/ .You can also check out The server we host here http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ We currently host the most popular Breaking Point server and a brand new Origins server as of august 12 but we are looking to increase our server we host of Dayz based mods as well. We play mostly anything that is Arma 2/Dayz related but do play a lot of game out side of Arma 2 based games too.


This Following is Our App



1. IGN :(In game name)

2. Age :(Your age)

3. Location :(What Country do you live in)

4. Language :(As long as you can speak English well that's good enough for us)

5. Length of experience with Arma2 / Dayz) :(Month/Years/Days of experience to you have?)

6. Why do you want to join? :(Quick description of why you want to join)




Quick Rules.(There is only a handful)

1. Have fun at all times remember this is a game.

2. Don't be a dick/ass hole to other players for no reason.

3. Respect everyone and everything.

4. You must have a Microphone to communicate to others

5. This is a community and what you says, goes. 

6. If you feel that you get enjoyment out of this then please do donate it helps us run everything better and gets us more to play on.

Edited by SAS Timbitz

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1. IGN :(In game name)Markey16

2. Age :(Your age)17

3. Location :(What Country do you live in)USA

4. Language :(As long as you can speak English well that's good enough for us)English

5. Length of experience with Arma2 / Dayz) :(Month/Years/Days of experience to you have?)1 year

6. Why do you want to join? :(Quick description of why you want to join)I want to find a cool group of players that are active, the most concern for me when joining a clan, is to see if they control the maturity of the players. SAS looks like it does. :) 

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Clan Gaming Night tonight fro 1pm - 7pm est (eastern standard time) and 6pm- 12 am uk time

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1. IGN :Termis

2. Age :26

3. Location :Sweden

4. Language :English/Lithuanian

5. Length of experience with Arma2 / Dayz) :2 months, but got already a good hang of it. My brother who plays since the beginning showed me the ropes.

6. Why do you want to join? :Got bored playing solo

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1. IGN : DeeRanged

2. Age : 19

3. Location : US

4. Language : English/Very little Spanish.

5. Length of experience with Arma2 / Dayz) : A year and a half.

6. Why do you want to join? : I'm tired of the lone wolf playstyle. I'd like some organization and structure.

Edited by DeeRanged925

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Both of you if you could sign up on our site at the top of the page and join our teamspeak if you could that would be great.

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