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Baron Von Jake

BeastZ PvP server looking for more players!

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Server Name: BeastZ


Port: 3017

Starting weapon: M4A1 & M24 (Both with one magazine)




Greetings! I am Baron Von Jake, also known Vintar and I am one of the admins on the server BeastZ!


BeastZ is a UK-based, PvP server that already has a good community of people thus far that are looking for even more players to join in on the fun! New players are always welcome! 

We also encourage teams/clans to settle in on our server who are looking for team vs. team combat. We also sometimes host some controlled team-combat scrimmages in which teams battle each other under specific conditions given by the gamemaster.

Our server has a team of active admins that are monitoring the server during the course of the day to ensure everyone's experience is smooth and interruption-free!


Our server sports powerful anti-hacks and a team of vigilant admins in order to prevent any hacker ruining your DayZ experience.


Currently we have 300+ vehicles, mo' heli crashes, and more barracks placed around the map. 


BeastZ currently offers the following mods:


-Friendly Tagging (Marks players who you deem friendly with a icon to help distinguish your friends from your foes) 


-More to come depending on player input.



Another thing to note is that currently we're looking for a team of trustworthy moderators on this server, the role is open to anyone who plays on BeastZ if they have played long enough and are selected by the admins.


Donator perks currently include the following:

-Custom bases built around the map for you and your team.

-Custom starting kits.


Our Teamspeak IP: ts.impact-gaming.net (Come down to the DayZ mod channel.)


Talk to wiggling_snake on skype for any questions or concerns.

Edited by Baron Von Jake
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Hi everyone who's reading this, I am Mountain Dew; a guy that found this server by chance about two days ago. It should show how good the server is simply by the fact that I had to go out of my way and Google BeastZ to see if they had any sort of forum post or something, so that I could tell people what the server's like.

I haven't played DayZ in almost a year, as it just kind of lost it's appeal to me. But after finding this server, both me and my friend have got right back into the game - for several reasons.


The player community of this server could probably be one of the best that I have discovered. On a whole everybody is very respectful and friendly in Sidechat, many of the players are friendly in a gameplay aspect as well - several times a stranger on the server has came to my aid and helped me without any catch; EG in DayZ terms I didn't have my head blasted off. Everybody plays nicely, but I am not saying that everybody will help you - Bandits are an aspect of gameplay to be dealt with on this server as well, and trust is an issue (as it should be on a game like this). Saying that, even the bandits aren't the usual screaming little kids on this server. Most server's you will promptly see a "WOW U GOT F*CKIN OWND LMFAO SIT DOWNNN" if you're killed, but the bandits here, well, aren't d*cks. On a whole the community is really mature and fun to play with. Just don't get into any satchel-charging-goat-sacrificing cults (Hi guys).


The admins are also a large part of what makes this server great. I have not once run into a hacker, as admins are constantly teleporting around - as well as anti-hack systems, the admins manually search for hackers. This constant vigilance keeps the server really clean from people who would use their hacks on the server.



tl;dr i have had such good fun on this server that i had to find out if it had a forum post just so i could tell everybody how good it is.

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