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Changes to the infection mechanics

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Getting infected and finding antibiotics are pretty high on the topic lists atm, so here's my suggestion.


Leave the infection rate the same, but have it escalate from an irritation to a full on pass-out scenario.


I'd also introduce anti-septic into the game and possibly alcohol to find a use for all those whisky bottles.


Here's how my idea would play out:


Zombie hits you, you have a chance of getting infected depending on if the hit made you bleed.


The infection can be cleared by using alcohol/anti-septic to clean the wound. (There's no loss of blood at this stage and no serious effects).


If not treated in time e.g. 30 mins, the infection gets worse and only antibiotics can cure it.  You now have blood loss.


If the blood loss is too much i.e. <5000, you loose the ability to run and can only walk crouched.


The existing mechanics of passing out if on really low blood is just the icing on the cake.

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