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LOOKING FOR: Squad/Group/Tight Knit Clan

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My name is Jangalang and I am looking for a group to play DayZ with. I play a wide variety of DayZ mods such as Origin, Breaking Point, Day Zero, and Overwatch. I love to record and upload my gameplay to Youtube (JangPlaysGames, if you wish to see some of my content.) Anyway, below will be an application of my skills and what I am looking for in a group.



Name: Jangalang


Age: 19 years old.


DayZ Experience: I've been playing DayZ since it's release and I'm very tactical and love epic firefights.


What I'm looking for: I'm looking a group of MATURE gamers. Ones who love the game, and are well versed in how to play. I'm interesting in more of tighter knit compact group. I don't want a Teamspeak channel with 20 people in it trying to all talk at once. I like to get into a group, and get things done. I'm not a humorless hardass who takes the game to seriously, but I do like to win and live and I have fun playing with an elite group of people by me.


Contact info: Skype - JangPlaysGames

                       YouTube - JangPlaysGames


Feel free to PM or reply to this thread. Thanks for reading.



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Join this teamspeak: ts.dayzhorror.com

There u can decide which clan/group u want to be a part of

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my steam is kreynolds1 my skype is thekeatonreynolds. if you are interested i would like to join if any spots are available 

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