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Disconnecting when dying.

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So, i've noticed many players use this tactic when they get killed. They instantly disconnect when they get shot, then come back in 2-5 minutes later ALIVE, right at the same spot they got shot. Caught one today again.


He came back there about 2 minutes later, and got shot by my friend if i remember correctly.

I think guys like this should be permabanned. Happened on EU 2 server.

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Dev just have to make an anti-alt f4 feature, when u disconect ur caracter from the game, this one stay something like 100s in game before to disapear !

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Indeed. I just don't think it's possible in ArmA 2 engine? 100 seconds would be too harsh, maybe more around 30 seconds when it's possible to do.

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Losing a character is a learning experience every time, why would someone rob themselves of that when they're faced with any danger?

"Oh well, looks like I've been shot, lemme alt-F4 and come back later to continue."

Each time my character dies, I generally know the cause (Zombies or Players, who knew?), and how to alleviate it from happening again. Mistakes are made, though, and you learn some more to stay alive longer in the next life. I don't get it. :(

I'd only only only only EVER try and cheat out of death if I was confronted with a hacker or madmin. I haven't had to yet, I'd like to keep it that way but you never know.

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I'd only only only only EVER try and cheat out of death if I was confronted with a hacker or madmin. I haven't had to yet' date=' I'd like to keep it that way but you never know.


OR due to lame bugs. I have no problem being killed by a player, honestly, as a worthy opponent. But when I shoot a walker point blank in the chest 10 times and he keeps on walking and swinging at me, or shooting a hostile player in the face 5 times and he just turns around and just one-shots me, f**k that. I have every right to rig this bs and alt-f4. It's only fair, got to level the playing field against the bugs. :P

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If you get the kill message before they disco, will they end up dead when they log back in?

I've headshotted a few people who have discoed immediately afterwards. If they are definitely dead, then I'll feel even more happy about killing them.

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If you get the kill message before they disco' date=' will they end up dead when they log back in?

I've headshotted a few people who have discoed immediately afterwards. If they are definitely dead, then I'll feel even more happy about killing them.


Nope, they just come back alive and most likely try to shoot you in the back.

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The " coming back when killed " is a server-side issue. Can happen sometimes, but not everytime at all.

On a working server, when the message " XXX has been killed " appears, the guy is dead.

He can alt+f4 the fuck he want and go on another server, he will start with a fresh character.

But if you shoot someone, and he's not dead, just K.O, he can ALT+F4, connect on another server and be safe, indeed.

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