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Getting knocked unconscious

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Hello all!

I wanted to give my 2 cents about some of the features that i feel need changes. It seems that when you fall below 9000 blood there is a chance that a zombie hit will knock you unconscious. I think this is to 'overpowered" for the zeds. I dont know how many times i have found myself running away form zombies, the slower crawling and hopping ones get left behind but the fast once still follow me everywhere i go. When i finally decide to turn around and shoot him by the time I have turned 180 degrees he is able to hit me at least once and knocks me unconscious because i have 9000 blood or less.

9000 blood is still a fair amount. Only 3000 less from the maximum 12000. If the feature of being knocked unconscious is to remain the blood level at which this happens should be changed to 5000. Normally at 9000 blood i still feel safe enough to roam more dangerous location as this is still a large quantity but if i get knocked unconscious this basically spells out death even at 9000 blood unless im running with a buddy who can kill the zombie and then give me a transfusion.

Would like to hear what everyone else thinks!



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Actually, it is pretty accurate for a game. A loss of 10% of blood (1200) is a lot for the human body to suffer, and after 15% (say 1800) you'd have issues running and fighting.

3000 blood down is just a number, sure, but it is assigned to an amount of blood the person ingame can lose before you are 'dead'. If you look at it from a medical standpoint, that is 25% of your blood, which causes TONS of issues for you as a person.

Now we can pretend that 12000 is actually like 50% of total, saying that losing 50% of your real amount of blood means death (so people have 24000, but the loss of 12000 means death), so that 25% is really 12.5% and that fits into the real life bit of losing 10%-15% is bad, and can cause you to faint easily.

Seriously, I am probably making no sense. Just look up what happens to people that lose 15% of their blood in real life.

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I agree that the being knocked out thing is a bit much. The zombies are not ninjas and they are not even armed with bats or axes. How are they knocking people out so easily.

The 9,000 blood points thing is just an arbitrary number that equates to hit points. If it actually represented blood it would re-up over time and the body would tend to stay at its normal blood level.

Therefore, I think the arbitrary number of 5,000 is much more realistic for having unarmed, half dead zombies knock you out cold. At least it makes the game more fun and game deaths less "arbitrary".

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I do know that losing 10% of blood is a lot for the human body but as Nalamin here mentions in this case it seems like just a arbitrary number. Again as he says above an unarmed zombie hitting me once should not knock me out. It makes a lot more sense to have this happen at 5000 which seems like a more "critical" state in game. Considering zombies hit for a few hundred and you lose about 100 per second while bleeding having the sort of "cut off point" at 9000 is to high in my opinion. It basically means that if I am under 9001 blood i should not be entering more populated cities because even 1 hit after 9000 can technically kill me if i am playing alone.

I think after 2000 or 3000 blood you pass out every few mins which definitely makes sense, getting knocked out after 5000 blood makes a ton more sense then 9000.

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