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Iron Hammer Gaming

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Iron Hammer Gaming



Iron Hammer Gaming is a simple multigaming group dedicated to offering a relaxed environment for players to play games. We are a fairly new community, so we are still in the process of growing and building. Future plans include a website, servers for our most popular games, ect ect.


All of our players enjoy playing DayZ (and most of the submods). We don't play a specific way (ie, bandit or hero) but we always use teamwork. If you wanna play with us, check to make sure all of these rules apply and ill give you the teamspeak info ;) :


Our simple requirements are:

Have a microphone

Willing to dl mods

Be somewhat active in the community (once a week if you can, we understand that real life is important as well)

Have Teamspeak

Be somewhat mature


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Hey, i'm interested.

I play mainly as a hero and hunt bandits but if i do play banditry i mostly just rob peoples stuff and let them live. I live in a GMT +1 zone, and speak fluently English.

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I just dl'ed DayZ and would like to play in a team. I also play BFBC2, BF3, ArmA 3, CS: GO, Dust514 and EVE Online. I have a microphone and if need be I also have a VPS that can be used as a TeamSpeak server(until the clan gets on its feet and has a proper dedi TS server :P)

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Hello i'm interested also, I live in GMT +2 zone and I'm looking for a group/clan to play with.


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How do we join? Do you we post a Application on here, or do we somehow contact you?

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Replied to all.

I didn't receive any message

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