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Looking for new members! Many severs! Nice People (CLAN VS CLAN)

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Welcome!! We are a newer Gaming Community that has been growing fast! We host diffrent events and play all types of games. We have a Ranking system in our TeamSpeak alot like the Army ranks in real life. You have the chance to rank up in our community and help us become a better place to game. We are always looking for people we can trust to be in game admins and help keep the severs hacker free, or help us work on our website.

If you have (or you wan to start) a clan we will give you your own channel in our TeamSpeak and you would have your own ranking system to promote people in your own clan!! We currently have 4 other clans, but your dont always have to play with your own clan if you dont want too.

Our next event you could win up to 130 dollars!!!! see website for more info.

Alot of are server are BRAND NEW so start building your houses and finding your cars now before they are hard to find!! 

TeamSpeak IP ~~~

Website ~~~ The-UGL.com

DayZ Origins Server ~~~

NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW!!!!!!!!!           DayZ Overwatch Server ~~~




DayZ Breaking Point Server ~~~

Arma 2 Wasteland Server ~~~ COMING SOON!!!

Arma 3 wasteland Sever ~~~ COMING SOON!!!

Edited by ZGolden

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We have a good bunch of people but would like to see our servers fill up more come join us!

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the origins server is becoming a hit build your house while you can!

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our Origins sever is taking off 20-30 people on at peak times!!

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