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Looking for group / partner(s) in crime

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Haven't played for a while but I have free time now ( will be on pretty much daily for 4/5/6 hrs a night).

I am open to what mod we play as I know their are a few flying about at the minute - really want p2p action but like the thought of base building etc. But I don't want constant p2p like a deathmatch or something, part of the intensity is spotting players every so often rather than every other minute.

I'm 24, from the UK and would be looking to play with similar people.

I will be on tonight, please reply here or add me to steam - '[]-[]otshot'


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Hello. I'm from the U.S and also love pvp action. I don't know if me being 15 really matters to you, but if it doesn't, I would love to play with you.  

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Legion of Honor is recruiting






See our recruitment post for details: Legion of Honor is recruiting again!


We have a minimum age requirement of 16. Our members are friendly and respectful, as well as active. Legion of Honor always kicks ass.

Come hang with us on TS! IP is

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