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Alain Vandanna

FPS Issues in DayZ, any help/advice is appreciated.

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Hey! Thanks in advance for clicking on this and seeing if you can help me.


I have been having FPS issues in DayZ for a while now, barely above 10FPS anywhere in the entire game, virtually all tweaking and advice that I have followed across countless forums have been unable to help me. But first, let's start with my specs:


Processor: Intel Core i7-2760QM @ 2.4GHz (4 cores, hyper-threaded to 8)


Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT555M 3GB DirectX11

Harddrive: 750GB HDD


I should also note that this is a gaming laptop, and I first thought it may have been temperature issues (such as CPU throttling) but I have re-pasted my CPU and GPU and use a cooling fan, but no luck. While I am aware that this system is not exactly beast of the jungle, I would expect it to have at least run at the lowest settings. I should note that I can play many other video games, including Arma 2, just fine on this machine. If you need any other information just ask.


When I first begin to play, the game runs very well, averaging above 30+FPS for maybe 1 minute, but then slows to a crawl at around 5 FPS. From there on, the game continues to lag spike, increasing to 30 FPS before crashing back down to 5 again, these lag spikes slowly start to decrease in frequency until eventually I am at a solid 5 FPS permantently, this occurs after about 30 minutes of play. I have tried numerous fixes and many different forums to help fix this issue, so here is a list of things I have done:



1) I use the following launch paramters in DayZ Commander: -nosplash -world=empty -cpucount=4 (<-- Is this the correct setting? I have messed around with 4 and 8 but have seen no difference)-exThreads=7 -mod@DayZ. Also, I have tried the launch settings 'Launch with Steam' and 'Replace Arma 2OA files with Beta so Steam works' but again, I see no change in the performance or pattern.


2) I experimented with using RAMDisk to put the DayZ files on, and changed DayZ Commander to launch from this new drive created in my RAM, no luck.


3) I have changed the settings in the config files for both Arma2.cfg and Arma2OA.cfg, no notable impact.


4) Used the Nvidia control panel to use the settings that many people recommend on forums, such as Vertical Sync off etc., see this thread for further reading see here:http://www.dayzpvp.com/ultimate-dayz-graphics-settings-and-tweaks-guide/ A really fantastic guide that may help you if you have FPS troubles, sadly it did not work with me.


5) Most of the standard in-game settings people recommend are turned on, but to be honest, so many people say different things about which settings should be on/off that I have a feeling there is simply no 'one-size-fits-all' setting and that it simply varies per machine. However, vertical sync, postprocessing are off, and my 3D and Interface resolutions match.


I hope you guys can help me and see if I may have missed something, btw, if you know FOR CERTAIN that some settings are best kept on/off, then please let me know so I can tick off these items from my experimenting.


Thanks for reading, any help has my gratitude!

Edited by Alain Vandanna

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Processor: Intel Core i7-2760QM @ 2.4GHz (4 cores, hyper-threaded to 8)


Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT555M 3GB DirectX11

Harddrive: 750GB HDD


this is your problem 2.4ghz is too low and also the gt555m is meh its not the worse but its not great

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Processor: Intel Core i7-2760QM @ 2.4GHz (4 cores, hyper-threaded to 8)


Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT555M 3GB DirectX11

Harddrive: 750GB HDD


this is your problem 2.4ghz is too low and also the gt555m is meh its not the worse but its not great


i'll have to challenge that, i run a Q8200 quadcore cpu at 2.33 w/ a radeon HD 6850 and get around 30 fps in the woods, 20 in small towns, and go as low as 11 to 13 in big cities. as far as i 'v been told, the -cpucount=x option may cause stuttering and lag, so you should definitly leave that out assuming you play 1.7.7+

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I belive you have switchable graphic on that laptop, the on board Intel HD 3000 + youre dedicated nVidia gtx 555M.

Is there a way to turn off the on board gfx (intel HD), sometimes if come across computers that throotle down and use the onboard gfx instead of the dedicated (moore powerful gfx) when gaming.

Also check youre powersaving settings, when gaming always use the powercord plugged inn,and have the powersettings at MAX power,no saving.

If you dont need powersaving features, just disable the onboard gfx and have a go.

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Processor: Intel Core i7-2760QM @ 2.4GHz (4 cores, hyper-threaded to 8)


Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT555M 3GB DirectX11

Harddrive: 750GB HDD


this is your problem 2.4ghz is too low and also the gt555m is meh its not the worse but its not great


Anything on the CPU over 2.0 GHz is good in my opinion. The GT has DirectX11 and 3GB which I find neat to have on a mobile card.

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I belive you have switchable graphic on that laptop, the on board Intel HD 3000 + youre dedicated nVidia gtx 555M.

Is there a way to turn off the on board gfx (intel HD), sometimes if come across computers that throotle down and use the onboard gfx instead of the dedicated (moore powerful gfx) when gaming.

Also check youre powersaving settings, when gaming always use the powercord plugged inn,and have the powersettings at MAX power,no saving.

If you dont need powersaving features, just disable the onboard gfx and have a go.

Hey man thanks for trying to help,


I have tried setting my computer now so that all games and applications make use of the GTX 555M, and that the Intel HD is no longer used, sadly this did nothing =( I also made sure that my computer is plugged in and that my laptop is set to 'High Performance' mode. As an additional note, I have noticed that my computer has been recently having a few errors with recognising the wattage of my AC adapter (but it still seems to charge and operate fine), maybe this might be causing issues but I want to be double sure I have tried every possible avenue before going out and making a potentially useless purchase.


Does anyone else have any other suggestions? I have concluded that it must be something wrong with settings in my laptop rather than the game itself, but I am really stumped as to what it may be.

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