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Jake Mosca

Group looking for members-SKYPE

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Why hello there, I see you have stumbled upon this thread. Me and a friend of mine want to find some more people to join our group that I started. Lots of fun to be had. There are just a few pre-requisits though...


1. Dont be 12.

2. Dont be annoying.

3. Know what the fuck you are doing.


Thanks for reading and if you are interested, add me on skype @ jakemosca11

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I would love to join. Im 14 almost close to 15! And I'm quite mature for my age.


I have played dayz since it has came out and arma 2 for 5 years.


I am a experienced pilot/plane pilot/driver in the world of /ARMA2/DayZ/ARMA2 OA



Skype: You guessed it its PursuedGamer


Steam PursuedGamer (I DONT USE STEAM) 

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