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2ndIC Gen Judge

The War Zone - Origins 1.7.5 Server

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The War Zone PVP server, if you are looking for a new server to play on then give us a try!


Our server Settings:

  • Crosshairs: ON
  • 3rd Person: ON
  • Nameplates: OFF
  • 3 Hour Restarts.
  • Regular database back-ups incase of rollbacks needed.
  • 40 Player Slots
  • Active and friendly Admins from all over the globe to ensure all time zones are covered.
  • Sidechat: Text Allowed - Voice NOT Allowed.
  • Hosted in Dallas, TX via GTXGaming on SSD.
  • Teamspeak 3 Server for access to admins and also for game play.



Please feel free to visit our website at http://www.2ndinfant...mpany.enjin.com for any further details.

[2ndIC] Gen. Judge
Leader of 2nd Infantry Company


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Don't play on this server. Admins are abusive. Someone marked the map were their camp was north of Kameni so they went and blew up this guys base all his tents and vehicles. It wasn't even him. Also the day before 2 people killed each other just 1 time and I was in TS they wanted to ban them for kill trading. I was banned after I killed 3-4 of them. They told my buddy I was combat logging (Logging off 10-15 minutes after killing someone ) and that he didn't know how I could find them lol They go to the industrials by kamani all the time and martin to farm guns not hard. Banned me from game, had house set up for about a week, and I went in Teamspeak and they banned me with out even telling me why or giving me a reason. These guys just want a clan server to play on. They do what they want and if you piss them off you get banned. Do yourself a favor and find another server. Sad thing was I was even advertising the server for them trying to get more people to join.



  • Nameplates: OFF   FALSE They are on
  • 3 Hour Restarts.
  • Regular database back-ups incase of rollbacks needed.
  • 40 Player Slots
  • Active and friendly Admins FALSE Friendly until you kill them or piss them off then your banned
  • Sidechat: Text Allowed - Voice NOT Allowed.  FALSE They use side chat all them time and then ban and warn anyone else.


Edited by dzembo

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