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Ghost FX (DayZ)

Fire-team Xeno [FX]

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Hey guys, i'm getting together a clan of 8 to play Day z origins together to work as a team during firefights. We will have to make a base, and we will set traps for opposing players. and we will fight to Survive the worst of outcomes together.

Requirments- over 18, plays often, no harsh language to other members, and has a teamspeak.

(if you don't have teamspeaks3 download it here http://www.techspot....-teamspeak.html)

server info: vs9.tserverhq.com:9191 <- paste in the Ts3 server locator box

"side note" most of you guys are probably thinking wtf? What is Xeno???

Xeno- means. Stranger/Foreigner

The Clan TAG is - FX (no brackets) at the end of your name. mine is - Ghost FX _

Edited by Ghost FX

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we play within the eastern time zone around 5pm b/c that is when most ppl are open to play. we try to get on almost everyday. but its okay if you dont. another thing is add me on steam Ghost FX in-case teamspeak is down for some reason we still have a way to contact each other.

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