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[CCG] Custom Combat Gaming are Recruting!

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About Us

We are an Arma based clan that focuses on customizing our servers completely, all of our servers are one of a kind! and that's the point, we have great admins that put a lot of time and effort into our servers which you will see if you join our servers.



We have a DayZ Epoch server with some big custom features that include; auto refuel stations, a lot of custom buildings which give more military and industrial loot and a bridge to Skalisty island, and AI taxi helis that are a one of a kind on our server.


We have 5 wasteland servers that include 2 Chernarus servers, a Zagrabad, a Takistan and a brand new Shapur map! all with custom shops, buildings and pre-fab bases.

How to Apply

To apply go to our forums;

http://www.customcombatgaming.com/index.php and click on apply here and fill in the application, as simple as that!


Edited by sianail

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