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DayZ Origins Clan?

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So im looking for a clan for me and my friend and hopefully a server, weve been playing dayz on and off and are playing origins now, still learning it but would like to find a small group to play with.

We are both over the age of 21 and both have TS.

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Hey man, check out my clans website! Its http://www.gamingcabin.com/forum/. Our TS is gamingcabin.teamspeak3.com.... Our Clan is divided into two sub clans which is pretty much the Europeans Vs. Americans. We've got our own Origins server and between both groups there are constantly 20 members on the server! Just stop by and check us out, just make sure you request to be with the Americans because we run all over the Euro's all day!

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I'v been hooking guys up with a Origins server with this new clan that I'm creating. I'v been granted an early access to a locked server that is about to go public, so I'v had some time to gather resources for the clan. We are yet to put up a certain location where we will build our own little town so you guys could teamup with us to be part of the community and be able to decide too on these matters.

I'm 22 years old dude from northern europe (GMT +2). I have set up a forum and a TS server for the clan, where we can communicate and especially set times and dates when to come together and play - this way we can make some events from perhaps assaults to locations, gather resources together or even do some kind of crazy fun events like races in Taviana. All in all I want to build a community to have fun in th Origins mod the way people want: whether it be playing as a Militia soldier or a survivor hunting for food.

If you are intersted in the idea, just PM me here in the forums: I'm actively online here.

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Hey their bud, We currently are playing origins 1.7.5 on our clan origins server that i run. We have a mixed group of bandits and heros that we have with us, and about 8 people roughly over the age of 21 some 30+ people as well. Were a group of new players and old vets to dayz. Our server is locked currently to prepare to open. But were allways bringing in new people to run with us, get used to how we are, and to help us progress until we open our server. Your friend and you are welcome to join. If you would like more information, or want to give us a try. feel free to pm me. Im on est time, and we have members anywhere from est to central to moutain time. We currently use mumble as our voice server as well

Edited by KOS_Drakov

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kos drakov, i would be interested in joining

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hey i've made a clan and i have a teamspeaks3 i'm fairly new at the game myself. i want to be strategic in combat. im sure you'd be comfortable joining my clan with your friend. we are small clan you are more then welcome to join us. in the end i want the entire group of players to consist of 8 players, thanks, Ghost FX

-Teamspeak Server is: vs9.tserverhq.com:9191 - copy and paste that in the teamspeak. and poke me with the word "recruit" we can start having a blast.
Edited by Ghost FX

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We currently have an Origins and a breaking point server. Feel free to visit our site, look around, you are welcome to apply. We are a multi gaming community that focuses on several games.

Recruitment thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/141186-spec-ops-tired-of-going-at-it-alone/


Edited by CrazykillaG

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